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DIY electric focuser ( now with added photos )


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Further to my post on how long it takes to get into imaging, one reason I have delayed was to be to focus the set up easily. I came across a site some time ago by Simon Dawes on a focuser that he built with gear available from Maplins. Living where I do, the cost of posting charged by Maplins was prohibitive.

When I was back in the UK at Christmas I purchased the motor / gear assembly, unfortunately they didn't have the worm gear in stock, so I had to wait for my friend to get one. It arrived last week and over the weekend, due to the weather, I found the time to start work.

I used an old light case to hold the batteries, a single pole to switch it on and off, and a double pole - double throw switch to change the direction. Fabricated a bracket from bits and pieces, assembled the resultant Heath Robinson focuser and fitted to my 90mm f10 Helios refractor. A few minor adjustments and it was up and running.

Tonight I set everything up an swung the scope to the Moon. Achieved focus easily with the 25mm ep. stuck the 10mm in, and again focused. Great, now for Saturn, again focus no problem. Put the 2X barlow in, again focus was easy. No waiting for vibrations to die down.

Down side is that the motor is noisey, but I think if you were more than about 10 feet away, you not notice.

Hope to have some photos tomorrow, and the link to Simon Dawes site is below.


naz :(

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Interesting - So now I need one of THOSE too (I rather suspect I do)! Aside: I always imagine something that racks in and out VERY(!) slowly. Is that what yours does? I wonder if the commercially available units do that as well? Anyway, onwards and upwards... ;)

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OOOOOPs sorry ;), did say I would get some done :). On the case. report back later, will warn you now, they aren't going to be pretty, still a work in progress :(


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Those of a nervous disposition or a high regard for the highest quality styling and engineering, look away now :( The photos of the infamous DIY focuser are here ;)


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