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Observing Session


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I've joined a newly formed astronomy group and our first observing session is tomorrow night.

I've not been around for a bit and was just wondering if there is anything new or unusual I should be looking out for like a new comet around at the moment or anything?

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You can always check out M42 and various clusters and asterisms in Orion, There's M45 and M44 available, and some open clusters in Canis Major. If worst come to worst, you can always look at the Moon. I find it very fulfilling. :(

Best wishes for clear skies and a dark night! :D

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The moon is at a nice phase at the moment - plenty to see along the terminator.

Why not start the Lunar 100 Project - more details here.

The BAA do the cards for about £3 - I have a direct contact if you want some.

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The moon is at a nice phase at the moment - plenty to see along the terminator.

Why not start the Lunar 100 Project - more details here.

The BAA do the cards for about £3 - I have a direct contact if you want some.

I have to start the lunar 100 again, someone's thrown out my score sheets. :(

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Didn't see any virginids, I think the moon was in the 'wrong' place and providing too much light :moon:. There was plenty of detail as always to be seen along the terminator. Had another look at Saturn and Mars. Everyone in the group showed up which was good, and we stayed for two hours (everyone working today). Next session is in two weeks time. ;)

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