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Giant Red Spot


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But enough of my troubles, the antibiotics will clear it up......

As per my previous Jupiter, it's a pretty difficult target at the moment for me. I get a 30 minute or so window at best, between 5am and 5.30am. At 5am on the 12th April, the giant red spot/storm/splodge should have been roughly face on. Unfortunately, the very second I had everything set up and was about to press "Start Capture", the clouds rolled in for 22 mins. The remaining 8 minutes were spent frantically trying to recentre the big fella, then hastily capturing a few frames. By this time it was already light, so I didn't really expect much.

Anyroad, there's a little hint of the GRS here, after processing. It seems to be the best I can do for now. I do have a couple of other avi's yet to process, but this pic was from the longest sequence.

The bottom pic is taken with a different monochrome camera, and shows the moons. Jupiter is still a nice target for visual btw, well worth getting up for. Saying that, I was up at 3.50am for this capture, went to work at 8am, and then had to clock up 13 hours at work, 4 hours of which were spent on a mixer and laying a patio for my new café. I feel like an eighty year old now.............

Ideally I will use the higher res, more sensitive PL-130 to capture the details (need a filter, its very bright), then use the neximage for the colours. But we will see.

There's an odd artifact, something big flying across this avi, I'm gonna go investigate it!!



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You are doing great TJ. Considering big Jove is not very high, the equatorial belts are very prominent.

I had a look at Starry Nights positions of the Gallilean Sats on that time /date, and I see a 10.4 mag. star very close to Ganymede.

I don't know if your exposure would have picked it out though. The moons positions are spot on though.

Ron. :(

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