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Meridian flip

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Is the only reason for the Meridian Flip to stop the scope and attachments coming into contact with the mount? If so, with the extra clearance that the AZ EQ6 mount provides, there will be no need to bother with a Meridian Flip?

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Pretty much.

Of course, with an Avalon M-Uno there's no need for a flip at all. With my HEQ5 I can go about an hour past the meridian (Depending on dec) before having to flip.

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The Meridian Flip is to do with flipping the OTA to another part of the sky other than at polar setting, It consequently means you have to role the OTA within its supporting rings to get the eyepiece in a comfortable viewing position. Intrinsically it is not usually for reasons to avoid hitting the mount.  It is to do with pointing the telescope in the right direction or the part of the sky you want to view. We are talking about Newts, of course.

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Presumably rwilkey, if you are imaging there is no requirement to get the scope in a comfortable viewing position, so it all comes down to avoiding hitting the mount. If it isn't going to hit anything, then no requirement to carry out a meridian flip?

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Just so.

The only reason to meridian flip is to stop the OTA or camera hitting the mount / tripod / pier. A wedge-mounted fork also has no need to flip (But does have other issues).

@beamer3.6m, you can disable limits in Eqmod, as I have done, but then you do need to keep a close eye on your 'scope.

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You *may* need to flip depending on where your 'scope is pointing and how much is hanging off it. If it isn't going to hit the mount / tripod / pier then don't bother flipping.

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