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First real play with imPPG for solar processing

David Smith

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Downloaded this the other night off the back of a recommendation by Michael Wilkinson who then promptly posted an excellent processing tutorial the following morning! Managed to get some time with the PST under the Sun this morning and although I processed them in my normal way I also kept copies of the stacked (but otherwise un-processed) 16 bit tiff files so I could have a go with this bit of software. Normally I put the ser file created by EZPlanetary through AS!2 to stack then Registax 5.1 for wavelet sharpening then into GIMP 2.8 for unsharp masking and false colour. For the images below I put them through AS!2 as normal then into imPPG and then GIMP for false colour only. I should also mention that I used flats in the close ups but not in the full disk.

The results are certainly different and I think surface detail is improved in the imPPG version of the process. However, prom detail in the imPPG shots is not as good. Early days yet as this is my first go at this so I will continue to experiment with settings etc. Any constructive criticism welcomed.




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I recently downloaded imPPG and autostakkert 2 and now my PC is playing up no end. When I tried opening both when first downloaded I got prompts from comodo saying it was trying to access explorer memory ??

Not good. Did you get AS!2 from autostakkert.com?

Both run fine on my Win 8.1 64-bit machine but I use AVG free version and it doesn't seem too concerned.

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