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Leo Triplet

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Ever one for a challenge, I got outside for the first time in ages at the weekend and had a crack at Leo's Trio!

60 x 60s subs at 1600ISO - 49 eventually stacked - I scrapped a few with trailing and some got lost in DSS


They are very faint, and the resulting photo isn't going to win any awards, but I was chuffed that I managed to find them first time, and that I have managed to get a useable imaged with my equipment - 70ED/EQ3-2/Canon1100D.

Its quite a heavy crop from the original image and a bit noisy as I have pushed the processing, but it is amazing what you can find up there with the minimum of equipment - especially when it is 35m light years away!

There have been some great pictures posted here recently, so it is great to be able to get out and take a few subs! And getting closer to my saving goal for an HEQ5 and guiding, so hope to be able to be getting better and better!


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That's a good start.

With your current set up you might like to try and see what 120 second unguided exposures look like. The ED70 has a focal length of 420 mm, so you should be fine for 2 min subframes, as long as you have got good polar alignment. 

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That's a good start.

With your current set up you might like to try and see what 120 second unguided exposures look like. The ED70 has a focal length of 420 mm, so you should be fine for 2 min subframes, as long as you have got good polar alignment. 

Thanks Reddoss - I've had varying success with 2 minute subs, so have dialled back a bit recently - might give it another go if the clear skies hang around at the weekend as the moon is vanishing!

Great job!


Thanks Alexxx

Excellent work. 


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