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Yet another Orion nebula


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Since the weather hasn't been kind lately, I had another go at processing some subs worth 3 hours collected last December. Not sure if I have overdone the stretching in Photoshop? Can't decide which one I prefer: the one with an artificial luminance layer (from the luminance channel in the lab mode) or the one without the enhancement?

Thank you for looking.



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Yet another Orion Nebula but beauifully done. I rather like the angle of the shot the nebula could have got called the butterfly if it had been seen like that went names were dished out.

It really is an object that I for one never tire of looking at, I don't quite see it like this though. Great work!

I think the top one is a little darker and like it more


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Thank you all for your kind comments. The image was taken with a canon 600D with a Baader mod and an Astronomik CLS clip in filter. All 5 minute guided subs with a SW ED80 + reducer on a HEQ5Pro mount. Total integration time was 3 hours 15 minutes.I wanted  to get the detail  in the molecular clouds but I guess I need at least another 3 hours. It will have to wait until next winter, though.

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