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24 Pan/17.3 Delos Barlowed ?

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For use in the 1100 - how well do these EP's Barlow with a Revelation ed Barlow - I know its not the best Barlow but just wondered if anyone has any thoughts on this - I wear glasses, but have no Astigmatism in my left eye (the one I use for Mono) the ER on the Delos will be ok, but was wandering about the ER on the Pan, thinking much further ahead, but I'm fine at present with observing with glasses off.

I currently have a set of Hyperions and a couple of Baader zoom's, as you can see the scopes are F10 and F11- ish - I have a set of Meade 4000 Plossl's for the mak and get on very well with them, but was wondering if the Balowed views in the Pan and Delos will work - size wise sticking out of the Diagonal I know the Pan will sit nicely (I think) but not sure about the "long" Delos, just to get on with (would be looking at a 12 Delos for max mag planetary later on).

Thanks very much in advance  - I know you lot are the dogs when it comes to the Green and Black Darkside!!


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I have Powermated the 24mm but not Barlowed. I believe a Barlow increases the eye-relief and that is possibly OK on the Panoptic but I would have though over eggs the pudding on the Delos. I too use the 12mm Delos as about top power on the 12 inch LX which is a little longer than your scope, I am sure a good choice on yours too, try to find one S/H they come up more often than you think.


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Hi Paul.  My 24 Pan and 2x Televue Barlow works, but heavily vignettes at the edges.   Not a fault at all, just a characteristic, the Powermates will not have that issue.

I'm thinking that any regular Barlow will have similar problems.   My Barlow works without issue on medium power EPs.

Regards, Ed.

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Hi Calvin, Alan - Thanks very much -I've also posted this on Cloudy as well and had a reply regarding vignetting with the Pan, but I think the 12 will be just fine on the 1100 - probably could squeeze a little more out of the scope but it just comes down to a nicer view as opposed to a much softer feel when I go much above the 12, I'll probably keep the Hyperions as I have a good range and can "fill in" certain powers until I can increase the dreaded Green and Black.

I've been looking at the options like the Vixens and the EXSci and have read a load of reviews, but the ER on the EX's seem to be a little "tight" - but a very good EP for the money, only reason I was looking at the Pan was that the Delos cuts off at 17 - the Pan seems to be an older design compared to the EP's that are available now, but I'm sure that Televue have also looked at this - the Nagler and Ethos are well out of my league - I will probably be sticking with long focal length scopes - the light pollution will probably not do shorter focal lengths any favours, If I had darker skies it would be a different story all together and F10 seems to frame the majority of stuff for me and I'm getting decent detail on the brighter stuff, even from under my skies.

I'll keep on searching, but it looks like I'll be definitely going for the 17/12 Deloi - the jury's still out on the Pan though - not sure if Televue are bringing any new lines out, but to be honest, the way that Al works - I think if it were possible to keep the Televue "Ethos" and design/quality they stand for - the range is more than less complete.

Thanks again and clear skies,


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Thanks Ed, I was typing as you posted, I think that I can just fall back on the Aspherics for the time being as said, not sure about the Pan yet though, its just widefield's and Barlowes are not the best - I just have  a Revelation ED Barlow, but have not used it in a long time, the range I have in the Hyperions seem to cover all the Mag I need and tend to Bino for Planetary - some guys double up on the green and black for Binowing - way out of my league!!



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Our main scopes are not a million miles apart and I was using the 24mm Panoptic last night and it is really nice in my scope giving X127. The thing with our scopes is that a couple of extra millimeters here and there really bumps up the power. I believe the shortest I have ever used in my 12 inch was an 8mm Ethos (X358) and that was purely for magnitude seeing depth as I was after the central star of the Ring Nebula, which I did manage the once after about twenty tries. I was also using the 14mm which will equate to about 13 on yours for Jupiter and it was lovely, but it was a very good night.


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Hi Alan, Thanks mate - the 24 will give just that little extra on Deep Sky for me - I think with the quality of the Pan, the contrast will help a lot and at just over x 100 it will be more of an advantage under my skies, as the light pollution tends to change the way I observe - It would be great to put a 36mm in the diagonal and have these objects just pop out, but its just not the case.  I try to observe without filters, to try and just get the object in the EP "naked" - I think this is where the Pan will be of the most benefit for me, giving just enough mag to darken the background - but not so much as to "over power" the view - like you say - it sometimes needs just a very slight increase to make the view much better, but I'm like you, I would sooner see a much sharper view than letting the atmosphere take hold, softening the whole Planetary image.

Just using the 20mm WO EP's that came with the Binoviewer, using the 1.6 Barlow gave me the best views yet of Jupiter last year, I've only had the 127 Mak out this time around, I usually have a quick look with the Mak and evaluate sky conditions, but the last week or so when it was clear in the Midlands the atmosphere was very poor and the seeing was really bad - so the Mak has seen more sky than the CPC, been doing this for such a long time - you get to know whether its worth setting the larger scope up or not.

Thanks again Alan and regards.


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If you wanted to go down the road of wide views, I did from the outset, the SW Aero 40mm was my first biggy and that was very nice indeed, I assume the 35mm would also deliver. I made the mistake of finding faults with the 40mm only to later find out the collimation needed a tweek. A good eyepiece that will not cost the earth.


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