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i would like know how much better a skywatcher skymax 127 snyscan az goto would be against my evostar 90 am i likely to be able to get a better view of the closer planets and things like Orions Nebular and the like? also i am hoping to at some point be able to put on a nikon camera body to  start doing some astro photography as i would like to do this as ive been into photography for a fair while and was earning a crust doing so 

thanks all  :smiley:

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I'm not to sure how much better the views will be, but the diffrence insize  on paper isn't a lot, i do know a little about AP and you will need a EQ mount to sit a scope on and down in that size the Skywatcher 130P-DS this has the right settings for attaching a DSLR, there will be a couple of adapter rings required also, a good mount for this scope is the HEQ5....Astro Photography will maintain your wallet in a empty state...:)


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i would like know how much better a skywatcher skymax 127 snyscan az goto would be against my evostar 90 am i likely to be able to get a better view of the closer planets and things like Orions Nebular and the like? also i am hoping to at some point be able to put on a nikon camera body to  start doing some astro photography as i would like to do this as ive been into photography for a fair while and was earning a crust doing so 

thanks all  :smiley:

It is a good set up for planetary viewing/imaging with a webcam but with the AltAz mount forget DSO imaging. The scope is optically very good, no CA and a flat field of view but a bit slower than your F10 EVO90. The extra 32 mm or so of aperture does not make a lot of difference due to the central obstruction.


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Using a DSLR on a Mak is ok for Luna photos but thats about it. Astrophotography works from the mount up, if the mount is not upto par what ever you stick on top will not be abel to get around the issues the mount causes.

For visual Luna and planetay the Mak will have the edge. and also webcam sytle astrophotograph of the moon and planets.

For DSO's is way to slow and not a design for that sort of observing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

As mentioned above, it depends on what type of astrophotography you are going for. For deep sky objects (Nebulas and Galaxies), you need to do long exposures, and on an ALT/AZ mount, the rotation of the earth causes star trails. For this reason, you need a decent motorized EQ mount. 

AP is a slippery, expensive slope. But if you do decide to take the plunge, go for a decent mount first, and think of the future....because chances are, you will want to upgrade pretty soon!

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