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Where do I get info on most astronomical events? How do I not miss anything?

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What would be a good website to have all the info of nice things to see in the sky? I just ordered my telescope (XT10g), so I'm wondering how I don't miss anything nice happening.

One of the websites I frequently visit which has a nice and neat astronmical calendar is this one: https://in-the-sky.org/newscal.php?month=1&year=2015&maxdiff=5#datesel

Today I found out that some things on there are missing, though. I was reading on a forum that there will be a triple shadow transit on jupiter on the 24th of january, which is apparently quite rare. I just stumbled upon it so I might as well missed it.

So my question: how do you not miss out on stuff?

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This is accurate and updates daily:


And this one - from the rival of Sky & Telescope, Astronomy Magazine:


Also updating on a daily basis to keep up.

Clear Skies & Happy Observing,


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