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celestron 114 astromaster,any good?.

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I also got one for Christmas.

It seems decent enough as a starter scope.  A couple nights ago I managed to observe Jupiter and 4 moons.  Last night I observed a couple more deep space objects.

The main problem I am finding just now is image stability.  I can  easily enough lock onto objects like Jupiter, but when I increase the magnification, the image becomes very unstable.  I am struggling to see any stability at all over x100 magnification (10mm eyepiece).  This, obviously, makes it hard to see any detail in DSO's.

On the other hand, it is great for viewing the Moon.  I haven't really looked at any other planets apart from Jupiter yet, but this was okay at less than 100x mag.

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I also bought some new EP's (eye pieces) and a new finderscope for mine.  The new EP's are a great addition, and have allowed me to look at different magnifications with ease.  The included 10mm and 20mm EP's were okay, but it is nice to change the mag to a value in between to see more detail without losing stability (in my set-up).  I went for the Revelation Photo-Visual kit as it included Plossl 9mm, Plossl 12mm, Plossl 15mm, Plossl 20mm, Plossl 32mm (projection / visual), Barlow X2, T adaptor 1.25", ND96 Moon Filter, #11 Yellow Green, #25A Red, #47 Violet & #82A Light Blue filters.

It works well for me, but then it cost more than the telescope itself.  I also added a Skywatcher 6x30 Right-Angled, Erect-Image Finderscope, which I have not yet fitted.  The original finderscope works okay, but I wanted something to make it a little easier.

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Welcome to SGL. Might be worth posting (or asking a moderator to move your question into the equipment section). 

IMO a nice starter scope. If you don't know what to look at, then perhaps a guide to the night sky or download the free Stellarium application that will show you whats on offer on a particular night. I would use the scope for a while before upgrading. 

Good luck!

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Hi Ray welcome to S G L

All scopes are good, some have more limitations than others, as long

as you enjoy it, that's what matters, if you have any more questions post

in the relevant forum, above all enjoy!

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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