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GSO Plossls


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A while back I had a Revelation/GSO 32mm Photo-Visual Plossl, I sold it but have always regretted it as I used it in a range of scopes and it always gave nice views. I moved over to using BST's mainly on the basis of good reviews on here but I just don't seem to get on with them so when the chance of some cheap GSO's came up I thought I would buy them and do a comparison. Obviously its not like for like as the BST's aren't plossls and will always have a nice FOV etc but here we go. 

My scope is a F5.5 Opticstar 90mm Dual Speed as I mainly now do grab and go due to the terrible weather we seem to have at the moment. Clear sky's tonight so I popped in the 32mm, lovely view. It was just how I remembered, M45 captured within its FOV lovely with tight white stars and even towards the edge's only minimal degradation. Sadly the same couldn't be said for the 25mm BST, I know it's the weakest of the range however it is truly terrible in my scope, maybe its a refractor thing at F5.5 it was mushy with really bad distortion from around the 60% mark and I just couldn't see the depth of stars. I swapped in the 20mm GSO and what a difference, again tight stars although the FOV was a lot less and I couldn't quite get everything in however it just all seemed rather nice and clean and sharp, I really like these plossl's. I have the 12mm as well so will give it a direct head to head with the 12mm BST on M42 when it appears and report back as I found the 12mm BST to be the best performing in my scope. 

So for now I have fallen back in love with the humble GSO plossls!

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That Revelation 32mm is my wide field eye peice and I like it too and great price.

In hind sight I would have been better off with the normal one as I now don't use the photo bit of it now and it does not fit so great in my round pre cut foam pockets in the eye peice case.

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That Revelation 32mm is my wide field eye peice and I like it too and great price.

In hind sight I would have been better off with the normal one as I now don't use the photo bit of it now and it does not fit so great in my round pre cut foam pockets in the eye peice case.

It really is a nice eyepiece for the price, I shouldn't have sold it in the first place!

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I have recently sold a 42mm revelation and sadly I am starting to regret it. True it gave coma even with a Baader mpcc and the exit pupil was far too big so views were a little washy but it felt really nice to put my eye up to, gave great wide angle views and was superb for sky scanning.

On the plus side I didnt lose much money so I may get another for sky scanning again.


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