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Many Rimae in one photo


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Many Rimae in one photo
Rima, Rimae (Channel) or for some selenogistas Rille (narrow valley) - Fissure or lava collapsed totally or partially canal.
Ex .: Rima G Bond
The Rimae (plural rhyme) Posidonius is composed of a dozen or more considerable linear rilles that intertwine.
  Some rilles are linear or curved, caused by stress or failure
crust. Others are sinuous rilles that are believed to have formed by fast moving lava flow. Sinuous rilles originate from volcanic vents and collapsed ramps.
Dorsa, Dorsum, Ridge (Wrinkle Ridges) -. "Wrinkle ridges '' (Wrinkle Ridges)" All lunar maria exhibit peculiar sinuous ridges known as low These formations, technically known as "Dorsa" has, on average, a few meters to tens of meters and a few kilometers wide, and as such is only visible at an angle of solar illumination well below where they cast shadows over their environments. The wrinkle ridges are the same color as the ground around them, and they can not be discerned under a high sun over the lunar horizon. Some wrinkle ridges show isolated peaks, but also seem to indicate
the presence of ancient craters completely buried, as Lamont in Mare Tranquilitatis.
Other wrinkles located near the boiler limited and appears to extend the semi-circular bays and marks the presence of a crater of the submerged wall and in some cases its central elevation - eg .: Letronne the edge of Oceanus Procellarum. These formations wrinkle ridge were probably formed when the surfaces of the newly formed maria contracted and depressed, pressing the surface. Several mare ridges are remnants of ancient lava flows. Numerous examples can also be seen in Mare Serenitatis as is the case of the image Dorsa Smirnov attached.
Source: Guide to Lunar Observation - Rosely Gregio - REA / Brazil
Adaptation: Avani Soares


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