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Stacking Software for MacBook


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Hi there I made the switch to MacBook earlier in the year as I started to get into photography and have been running Lightroom+Photoshop for a couple of months as my post processing package. As I have got a bit further into taking picture of the night sky I was wondering what software is best for stacking images on the Mac OS. I know I can stack photo's in Lightroom+Photoshop but I am not sure it's doing all the things that a dedicated astrophotography software package is doing. 

What are your thoughts on using Photoshop for stacking images, do people use this program for such a task or if you use a Mac what alternative software packages do you use for stacking images.

I would very much like to hear peoples views on the subject.

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I use Nebulosity3 on a macbook to do the stacking. It seems to work perfectly for me with DSO images. For planets and very widefield (ie. short camera lens) I do resort to the PC laptop and use DSS, PiPP, Autostackert and Registax etc.

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Nebulosity 3 - captures and processes. I started with Neb2 and still using on OSX as I did on windows. It's faster with 3 and is friendly.

Pixinsight - moved to this, I would say is better overall but it's a big learning curve. It can't capture. It is a different experience - think transforming the entire image rather than artistically manipulating/adjusting an image. Largest images I've been doing at about 2-6GB for the final image.

Using WINE I have stacked with Registax (windows software).

There's also some funky stuff around to - Paul's Lodestar Live (if you have Starlight cameras) and I've been playing with image processing for fast image processing (i.e. realtime video) using your graphics chip todo the work!

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