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The Sky at Night...again!


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I have just watched last night's Sky at Night and wanted to say what a good show it was.

I enjoyed the section covering planetary formation... learned a lot about why different types of planet form at different distances from the Sun.

The Maggster was quite restrained and her delivery was quite okay........ I have previously found her difficult to listen to. She was much more natural this time out.

Overall a cracking programme and a great improvement on some of the previous ones.

It all hung together well.

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It made some sense for our system at this time, however it would seem to be contradicted by the number of hot Jupiters that have been detected around other stars. Where would seem reasonably common to have planets like and often much bigger then Jupiter in much closer in for many instances.

Also there is fair evidance that Jupiter and Saturn were originally in closer to the sun in our system then they are now, with the possibility that another planet was actually ejected from our solar system - have read that this ejected planet was about Neptune sized. Also the Late Heavy Bombardment is also attributed to these shifts in planetary orbits.

So the S@N explanation given seems to an extent to be based on our present stable planetary arrangement before we started detecting planets around other stars and not therefore possibly up-to-date.

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Like Mark (above) This was the first SAN I have watched in a while, and was also pleasantly surprised. It was always going to be difficult to continue after SPM's passing, but the team seemed much more assured, and the items were genuinely interesting and informative.

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Our solar system is really well organized. As in, all the gas planets are in the outer system. While the rocky planets are in the inner system. However, there are solar systems out there that seem to be too extraordinary to us.

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