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Mars is back, and looking a little....


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....less smashed up than in my previous picture.

I have been trawling through old avi's from february, and spotted quite a clear one of mars. Check the details on stellarium, and decided it was worth another shot at processing. I have some more footage from last night to go at, but thought I would post this one, as it is really the first presentable image of Mars I have been able to grab so far.

There's gigs of data here on the laptop, if only somebody who knew what they were doing was passing by and had nothign to do :wink:

9th feb, approx 19:00 give or take.




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Thought I'd also post this, which is the image straight form k3ccd.

Comments on my processing please? (Go on be hard as you like, you know you want to!!)




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Nothing wrong with the processing that I can see. It's been said before but is worth repeating,colour in a personal perception thing and if I were me I would reduce the orange and increase the green........ I am so I did. :wink:



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Great looking images TJ. You will have to stay alert, you can't afford to let the good ones slip by you.

You may well have got a POTW with that one.

I like the colouring CW has introduced, but as he said, it is how the imager perceives it.

Ron. :wink:

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Both look good to me TJ. Mars has been a disappointment to me. All I get is an orange blob, sometimes with a hint of surface detail. Well done. :wink:


How are you imaging it? It was just the same for me, in fact, the mrs nearly laid an egg when she saw my first pix of mars, "all that money and THATS what you get??" sort of thing.

But by playing around with just about every setting, every frame rate, etc, eventually some detail started to come through. I think these would be better if had selecting the frames, but I just let K3ccd do it all automatic like.

Out of interest, the webcam used for this is just the neximage (same as toucams), but firmware modified (easy to do) to enable uncompressed RAW capture. that way detail isnt lost in compression.



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