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Soul, this time with Heart.


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Our recent effort (Tom, Yves and myself) on the VdB14 and 15 to Soul mosaic did beg the question, What if we added the Heart? Not as easy as you might think. While on a planetarium it looks as if you might add them in four panels, the dreaded field curvature suggests otherwise. It could be a long haul. However, one of our present guests took a fancy to the Heart and Soul, so we rattled off three panels to make it possible to use the existing Soul data in order to frame this pair reasoanbly. With some poor weather predicted I really did cut corners and nabbed the three new panels, HaRGB, in two nights. (ie using the tandem, so four normal nights squshed into two...) I also had some old Heart data from the Baby Q/Atik 4000. With more time we could do more with the very faint background stuff but AP, like politics, is the art of the possible...


Bigger; http://ollypenrice.smugmug.com/Other/Best-of-Les-Granges/i-gwqNpfH/0/X3/HEART%20AND%20SOUL%20HaRGBweb-X3.jpg

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I like this a lot Olly - But a couple of comments if I may. 

There's a little misalignment along the top and I think that the extra data in the Heart is showing through a little too much. There's a marked difference between the colours of the Heart and Soul. If one can be toned down or the other toned up  (so to speak) I think that would balance it. 

I probably sound really nit picky, but it just makes it a little unbalanced to my eye.

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I like this a lot Olly - But a couple of comments if I may. 

There's a little misalignment along the top and I think that the extra data in the Heart is showing through a little too much. There's a marked difference between the colours of the Heart and Soul. If one can be toned down or the other toned up  (so to speak) I think that would balance it. 

I probably sound really nit picky, but it just makes it a little unbalanced to my eye.

You're right about the top Sara, though it isin't really a misalignment but a bad crop on my part. The panels met at an angle and I didn't chop enough off. Thanks, I'll fix it.

I don't know about the colours. To find out if they really are the same I'd need to get them both into one frame. To be honest I don't even know which is really brighter, either! I think the Soul has stronger 0111 signal but I'm not even sure about that. The joys of the mosaic!!


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I was thinking that when I look at it, the Heart is redder than the Soul. That could be a simple cyan slider? :D

This NB image (rather a good one!) seems to suggest that the nebulae wouldn't be quite the same colour in broadband. The Heart is giving a darker colour both in Ha and O111. However, I've had another look at my effort and tried to balance it up in the light of what the NB tells us. I've also snipped off the top a bit more carefully. I process with a black background in Ps and often crop badly as a result. Must remember to check. In this version I had another look at the black points and went for more conventional shades of red. Some research by Bob Anderson on PAIG suggested that Ha is probably pretty magenta. I do have some O111 for the Soul but not the Heart.

I think we'll have to leave this till next year now because the cameras need rotating for the next project.



Big one; http://ollypenrice.smugmug.com/Other/Best-of-Les-Granges/i-GPdk8LR/0/O/HEART%20SOUL%20WebV2.jpg

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Olly I think that there is a drift in your procssesing, which is making things look a little flat, in this case the stars seem to not have your usual "punch through" and the nebuli are almost starting to look a little posterised.

this is to nitpick of course :) can you dirty up the nebli?

Ah the stars look way better an the full size images looks like shrinkging is not doing them any favours,

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Olly I think that there is a drift in your procssesing, which is making things look a little flat, in this case the stars seem to not have your usual "punch through" and the nebuli are almost starting to look a little posterised.

this is to nitpick of course :) can you dirty up the nebli?

Ah the stars look way better an the full size images looks like shrinkging is not doing them any favours,

I've struggled before with a posterized look on the Soul. You're not wrong. If I knew what to do about it I'd do it!  :grin:  The TIFF looks better than the JPEG, but only slightly.

I think the stars have to be processed differently for different final image sizes, as you imply. I do try to get them as small as possible but they are incredibly numerous in this part of the sky. And I agree that this treament is best for large format. I'll see what I can do for the small format stars.


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When you work out the star size solkution you should do a tutorial ;) im often finding now that images posted through websites are not as originally processed and its a little frustrating to put all the effort in and then lose that edge when presenting them.

as for the posterizing, I have found it really easy to do (posertize that is) by upping saturation so maybe backing off saturation of neblosity needs to played with.

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