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Help me choose a canon DSLR


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A slight variation on the which camera should I buy question.

I have only just started on AP and for the moment I borrow my wife's camera which is a Canon EOS 1100d. I'd like to get a camera I can specifically use but;

- want it to be cheap

- only really need the body

- would like it to be compatible with the battery, charger, lenses etc that the Canon EOS1100d takes

- would also like it to be sufficiently new that drivers etc won't be an issue if I want to drive it from a computer later.

Which basically means I am looking for a second hand body only Canon EOS. The question is which model. Given the list above are there any models I should particularly consider or particularly avoid.

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It does sound to me that you probably want an 1100D. ;) I was watching one on eBay (body only) as I'm thinking of selling mine to fund an upgrade and it went for £106. There is also the slightly older 1000D but that takes a different battery model.

That would obviously be the first choice. What is useful is if any of the older (i.e. cheaper) models would tick all those boxes and if they do is there a reason to not get one. Is the 1100d battery unique to the 1100d or is it compatible with any other models?

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I don't think so. The 450D is the earliest low-end model with live view, but it takes the same battery as the 1000D. The later 1200D does use the same battery if that's any use.

Are you thinking of modding the camera yourself?

Maybe, which is why cheap is good and why not using the wife's camera is essential :-). I might still consider an older model but if it doesn't have a battery with it then they are surprisingly expensive (unless I could use an external power supply?)

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Maybe, which is why cheap is good and why not using the wife's camera is essential :-).

Yes, expensive camera in pieces makes for a nervous experience.

One thing to watch out for if you do mod yourself is that you won't be able to reach infinity focus with camera lenses unless you re-shim the sensor to adjust the distance to the flange. This is one of the things the Cheap Astrophotography service takes care of, I've used one of their cameras and I could reach infinity with my M42 lenses, which don't have much focus travel past infinity.

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