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Star-Party Newbie...Help!


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Having spent quite a few nights outside with only my dob for company (not the best conversationalist), I thought it might be a good idea to find some like minded people. 

After a quick google, the Kelling Star Party came up as a good option. Trouble is there seem to be two of them, one in spring and another this weekend (probably a bit too late for this one). Is there a difference between the two (and how do you go about booking)? Also are there any other gatherings you'd recommend? 

Lastly any general advice on star parties would be much appreciated. 


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Never been but obvious you have to be into camping in one form or another - tent, camper van etc.

I suspect you could get there if wanted - simply I have seen one or two pitches for sale on ASBUK.

Sort of normal camping with astronomy, which means take a couple of red torches, a 1000W Ultra Lite from Argos doesn't go down well. :grin: :grin:  Equally some red torches are bright as well.

Almost any scope will do, don't think people really care what you have.

GLP's not liked, they tend to annoy the imaging fraturnity.

Leave your trumpet, trombone or bagpipes at home. :eek: :eek:

I suppose the biggest hassle is that you are up at night so want to sleep during the day, so whatever you are in needs to enable this. Some people find sleeping in light conditions difficult.

To meet others try Baker Street Irregular Astronomers, although London is big and there are others dotted around.

One option is to check on Kelling and if viable take a drive up, look round. Probably not feasible to stay late but could likely see what the situation is during the early evening.

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I've been recommened the Baker St. Irregulars before...certainly seems worth a go. I'd be a shame not to considering it's only 45 mins away. 

I should be able to dig out my old (fairly basic) camping kit and rough it for a few nights. I've got a few red fairy lights I could string up and make things look more cosy  :grin:

Luckily, being a student (and thus a conditioned night owl) sleep tends to come regardless of the time of day. I've heard sleep becomes a real issue when clouds force you to the secondary observing site (the pub) :tongue: . Tempted to make a day trip down, costs nothing to have a gander and get a feel for it. 

My local club (ASH) had an observing session recently, but as per it had to be the one night I wasn't free. Next time hopefully!

I'm guessing the former is some kind of weekend-long bash, rather than an evening.... :huh:

Seems about right, but I haven't read anything against going to a Star Party for an evening or two...or indeed an fairly extended weekend if you have the stamina  :shocked: .

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Having spent quite a few nights outside with only my dob for company (not the best conversationalist), I thought it might be a good idea to find some like minded people. 

After a quick google, the Kelling Star Party came up as a good option. Trouble is there seem to be two of them, one in spring and another this weekend (probably a bit too late for this one). Is there a difference between the two (and how do you go about booking)? Also are there any other gatherings you'd recommend? 

Lastly any general advice on star parties would be much appreciated. 


Get yourself along to a star party. To attend Kelling you need to book throught the campsite themselves:- http://www.kellingheath.co.uk/

It does get booked up very quickly, generally a year in advance. Primarily because people want the best pitches i.e. no trees for visual or imaging. I have never been but know lots who have. Generally the Red field is the most desired area, it also has a section called "millionaires row" due to the equipment some people have. If you phone up you may be able to get one of the less desireable pitches. This does not matter as you do not even need to take a scope. As long as you ask people in advance they wil be more than happy to let you look through their scope. They get a lot out of it too - nothing like the feeling of someone wanting to view through your scope and getting a buzz from what they see.

Your right there are two Kellings - Autumn and Spring. Why? Because you can and there are different things to look at - Standard winter targets and in the spring galaxies.

If you do go you will just need your basic camping gear but most certainly a warm sleeping bag and warm clothing - you can't just put the "heating" on if you get a bit cold, best not to get cold in the first place. Certainly take a red torch.

People will be very friendly and helpful - they just are. Everyone has to attend their first star party at some time. You will wonder why you didn't do it before.

Have a read through a couple of threads:-



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Star parties are a great weekend away and its good to set up and be with like minded folk. If its clear then observe and if its cloudy have a beers. I tend to stay up till it gets light if its clear, afterall thats what im there for, but I take an eyemask and earplugs to let me sleep in till late morning.

Once youve done a few you get a system going of what to take and what to leave at home but its great to see everyones kit and I always come back with some new ideas.

Just book up on one and go along, it always take my walking boots and a map so I can get a good walk done during the day.

The biggest thing to remember is to always respect the red light rules if clear and always take enough warm clothes and a good sleeping bag.


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In my experience the Spring Star party at Kelling doesn't get booked up so solid as the autumn. I usually attend the spring one. If you ever want to explore the Virgo Cluster then this one is your best chance! It can be cold though, so good preparation is needed.

I don't tend to stay up all night if it is clear, usually till about 1 or 2am is the limit.

It helps if you go to enjoy the trip away as well. I spent four nights at Kelling two years ago, and every night was cloudy, plus it was very cold at night. A bit of a disappointment for the astronomy but I enjoy camping and we had a great time during the day. The wife and kids went too but they stayed in a luxury lodge! And yes, they did think I was mad to be sleeping in a tent!

As mentioned before, any observing evenings arranged by a local astro society would be a good place to start.

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Consensus seems to be a solid thumbs-up, great advice too. 

 it also has a section called "millionaires row" due to the equipment some people have. 

 Better put myself down for "benefits street" considering the equipment I have. Very much a minimalist approach. Great thread links btw, lots of info.

 I tend to stay up till it gets light if its clear...so I can get a good walk done during the day.

Paraphrased slightly, sounds fairly ambitious :) the eyemask is definitely a good idea though. 

I think it'll have to be the spring one for me, this weekend's been booked up for moving back to uni...with the inevitable frantic packing/shopping. 

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Next year's Autumn bookings are well under way - you may struggle to get on the Red field now!

Blue field should be OK

And it's great fun! Had two very clear and 1 partial this year - 2.5 out of four is a great run!

Take more warm clothes than you think you need! It close to freezing on Wednesday, but up in the 20's during the day!

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if you`ve never been to a star party and want to try it out then Kelling is the place to go for you, i believe it`s the biggest star party in Europe, a week long event but most people usually attend form the Wednesday, Thursday till Sunday, trade stands on the Saturday, lots of like minded people, in fact all stargazers, lots to look at and people to talk to about help and advice, i attend the event every Autumn and attend the SGL star party in the Spring, this is a smaller event but still great fun if the sky is clear of course. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would like to go to a star party near me but don't know if any are happening. Plus I don't have transport either. Where is Kelling anyway? I have been looking all round for an outdoor group where I can go to in a dark site near me but I don't know of any.

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