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First Time Veil


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Last night saw some great conditions here with good transparency. Milky Way was vivid with a bright Scutum star cloud, obvious Cygnus Rift, and M31, M13, and double cluster clear to the naked eye (along with various other open clusters).

I recently bought a UHC filter for the 12" scope I acquired two months ago and decided to spend the night focusing mostly on summer nebulae.

Firstly, I started off in Sagittarius going for the omega nebula. Great detail with the filter and view clear and bright in the eyepiece. I then went for the Eagle Nebula and this was a first for me. Could clearly see the nebula's shape which was satisfying as I've never managed to see it before.

I then went for the Lagoon Nebula which is very very low from here and only visible in a short ten minute window from my garden due to houses. I found it and the filter really helped show the nebulosity - even though at this point the scope was right down to around 5 degrees elevation! Certainly not the best view you could get but I was happy nonetheless.

Next up was another first - the Trifid Nebula. Much fainter than the omega and lagoon but I could detect the shape. Slightly fainter than the Eagle due to its low elevation at the time. (trees and bushes also obscuring my aperture slightly with both the lagoon and trifid)

Next up was the super star of the night! I've never been able to see the Veil before. But I decided to try it in the 12" with the UHC and Delos 14mn (109x).

Panned to where it should be, looked in the eyepiece and was blown away! Actually said out loud 'holy smoke'

The nebula was so obvious, and the intricate detail was incredible. Huge in length looking like delicate smoke and flames. I spent by far the amount of time last night studying this object.

Both East and west components were clear with also clumps all around in between.

The witches broom looked amazing. Like a delicate plume of smoke with such fine detail. I have to say the whole Veil complex is the most impressive thing I've seen visually for years.

I decided to remove the filter, and yes I could still see the Veil there. But faint! Nowhere near the detail either!

The Veil has restored my faith that summer can deliver awesomeness for us far north Europeans!

Finished the night up with superb views of M27, M13, M92, M15, and M57. Just loving the resolution of the 12" scope and TeleVue Delos!

Went to bed an extremely happy puppy after the best summer viewing session from my garden in many years. I will be revisting my best friend the Veil!

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