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How to get RAW images from ASI120MC into Firecapture

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Hi Folks

Connected the camera to Firecapture v 2.3 and I fail to see how I can get it to output RAW files. 

The capture drop down menu only seems to offerfiles in AVI, SER, BMP and FIT. Am I missing something? I thought I read somewhere that the ASI120MC default output is RAW files


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Hi Folks

Connected the camera to Firecapture v 2.3 and I fail to see how I can get it to output RAW files. 

The capture drop down menu only seems to offerfiles in AVI, SER, BMP and FIT. Am I missing something? I thought I read somewhere that the ASI120MC default output is RAW files


If by raw files you mean " fits " then you can only get them with the ASI 120 MM not MC , SER and AVI files are uncompressed formats available to 120 MC.


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In this instance, by "RAW" I think it's meant that the individual frames are not debayered into an RGB image.  That is the default for FireCapture now I think.  Those individual frames may still be wrapped up in an AVI file for storage on disk however.

AVI is a "container" format that doesn't tell you much about what it actually contains.  On UNIX/Linux there are tools that can tell you what the frame format is within the file, so I assume there must be similar tools for Windows but I'm afraid I can't tell you what they are.


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AVI is a "container" format that doesn't tell you much about what it actually contains.  On UNIX/Linux there are tools that can tell you what the frame format is within the file, so I assume there must be similar tools for Windows but I'm afraid I can't tell you what they are.


On windows, VLC media player has drop down menu's with this info, also something called gspot, will show what avi's contain.

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Are you saying that asi120mc does not output in RAW only the mono camera does this. Presumably then I should output in AVI to stack the images in Deepskystacker? Or should FIT files be used? I must admit I do not understand the construction of all these files, I just want to know which ones to use.


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No, the mono camera always outputs mono.  The colour camera driver can produce either RGB ("debayered") or raw (as it's read off the sensor, "non-debayered").  Regardless of which camera and which format you're using, the data can all be stored in an AVI file.  The only way to find out what format the frames are inside an AVI file is to open it and look the information up.

By default (as of v2.3 I think) FireCapture will store the raw data from a colour camera in the AVI file (or SER file, if you prefer to use that format) when it is available, unless you tell it to do otherwise (there's a "debayer" checkbox in the controls on the right hand side).


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Are you saying that asi120mc does not output in RAW only the mono camera does this. Presumably then I should output in AVI to stack the images in Deepskystacker? Or should FIT files be used? I must admit I do not understand the construction of all these files, I just want to know which ones to use.


Use Pipp ( free download ) to prepare and center the AVI files, then use AS!2 to do the final stacking. When I did planetary I found that I got the best results from ASI 120MC using this routine, the final stacked file can then be processed very easily in REG6 for wavelet sharpening and colour balancing etc.


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