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Very noob question


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So I've tried looking this up but haven't had much luck. I've managed to get my polar alignment scope aligned and ready, unfortunately I haven't been able to connect my EQ6 to my laptop so I'm having to align it old school. I'm going to use PolarFinder to know where to put Andromeda and hopefully that will be enough to be aligned. 

My question is this, once I am aligned, obviously I'll need to move the scope around to my target, so how does it stay aligned? And what was the point in getting it aligned if I am going to be moving it around? 

Do I need to use the hand controller to move the scope instead of releasing the clutches and moving it by hand?

Thank you 

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if you are set up correctly and Polar aligned the mount should pivot around the center
so the alignment stays constant

if you slacken the clutches and move manually you will loose any star alignment you have done as the mount won't know where its pointing

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i don't have the goto function :( but anyway, i think i have the info i need to give it a good go. thank you all for the advice! :)

So you have a Syntrek handset rather than SynScan?

If you don't have GOTO it must be the Syntrek then?

In which case once you are polar aligned you just need to acquire your target and the mount should track and follow it.

Polar alignment is just the process of aligning the RA (polar) axis with Earths axis of rotation. That part should remain fixed when you move to your chosen target.

Edit: Peter beat me too it!!

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So I've tried looking this up but haven't had much luck. I've managed to get my polar alignment scope aligned and ready, unfortunately I haven't been able to connect my EQ6 to my laptop so I'm having to align it old school. I'm going to use PolarFinder to know where to put Andromeda and hopefully that will be enough to be aligned. 

My question is this, once I am aligned, obviously I'll need to move the scope around to my target, so how does it stay aligned? And what was the point in getting it aligned if I am going to be moving it around? 

Do I need to use the hand controller to move the scope instead of releasing the clutches and moving it by hand?

Thank you 

Hi WillG,

What is stopping you connecting to your laptop, have you not got the correct cable?

Pleased to read that you have managed to align your polarscope reticule.

Polar alignment.

This has nothing to do with the scope or synscan goto... it's purpose is to align the RA axis of the mount with the rotational axis of the Earth...

Andromeda also has nothing to do with it... you need to use 'Polarfinder' to show you the correct position of 'POLARIS' (the pole star) at the time you set up the mount.

Once you have this you then look up to the sky, facing North, and find the Plough (Ursa major) then look though your polarscope and rotate the RA axis of the mount until  the asterism of the plough (etched on to the polarscope reticule) appears to be in the same place.

Also etched on the reticule you will see a large circle with a smaller circle on it... this is where you place Polaris by adjusting the mounts altitude and azimuth bolts.

Compare the result with that you got from 'Polarfinder'.

This should get your polar alignment close enough for visual use.

When finished with the polar alignment... DON'T move the mount again.

Just return the scope to the HOME position (scope pointing towards the North and counterweights pointing straight down) by releasing the clutches... then lock them up in the Home position.

Now you must do a synscan alignment... using the handset... just follow the procedure in the synscan manual for a 2 or 3 star alignment... you will possibly need to refer to a planetarium programme, Such as 'Stellarium' to find the names of stars and their location in the sky.

1/ Pick the first star from the suggested list on the handset and tell the handset to go to it... it will get close, but probably not exactly on target... (for this first star only you can release the clutches and get the star roughly in the centre of your scopes view) when roughly centred, tighten the clutches again and than use the arrow keys on the handset to refine the centering... when happy press OK and the handset will ask for the second star.

2/ Again it will present a short list... pick the one you want and tell the handset to goto it... this time, you must only use the handset arrow keys (left, right, up and down) to bring the star exactly to the centre of your view... once achieved, press ok on the handset... if necessary (3 star alignment) repeat as for (2) above...

You should now be fully aligned and ready to start going to wherever you wish within your viewing limits.

 Be careful to enter all the data (date, time, timezone, daylight saving longitude and latitude) in the correct format.

If you get into difficulties with any of this, just post the problem/s and someone here will be more than happy to assist you.

Hope this helps and good luck.

Best regards.

EDIT... just seen that you have not got synscan for GO TO... in which case just do what 'Peter' has stated (cornelius varley).

Sandy. :grin:

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Thank you very much Sandy, I meant to say Polaris, not Andromeda. I get them mixed up because Andromeda is my main target of interest, so it's always on my mind! 

But yes, I think I'm ready to give it all a go, just need the skies to play along! 

Cheers all :)

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