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NGC6914, more serious attempt.


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Last night I added more RGB and Ha to the captures taken on Thursday night with Gedan. This has:

Ha3Nm 3x30 Mn.

Ha7 Nm 10x30 Mn.

RGB 10x15 Mn, per colour. The cameras were Yves' and Tom's the mount ad twin FSQs mine and Tom's.

I'll link to the fullsize because the inner region is pretty intriguing.

The difference between the 3 Nm Astrodon Ha and the 7 Nm Baader is huge. The 3Nm stars are tiny and there is more contrast and delicacy. Stunning filter. Only a grand. Say it quickly!



Full (if the link works for you) http://ollypenrice.smugmug.com/Other/Best-of-Les-Granges/i-FrpWHL7/0/O/NGC6914%20HaRGB%20WEB.jpg

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Beautiful Olly and worth a close up methinks.  The Ha colour is spot on, a raspberry explosion.

You are sounding a bit like a hi fi buff.  Huge is very subjective, you're sending a message out that people shouldn't really be happy with their Baader 7nm filters (ie me!).  Could you show us what you mean, at computer monitor image scale.  £1000 is huge, I would want the benefit to have serious ooomph rather than subtle nuance for that money.

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Beautiful Olly and worth a close up methinks.  The Ha colour is spot on, a raspberry explosion.

You are sounding a bit like a hi fi buff.  Huge is very subjective, you're sending a message out that people shouldn't really be happy with their Baader 7nm filters (ie me!).  Could you show us what you mean, at computer monitor image scale.  £1000 is huge, I would want the benefit to have serious ooomph rather than subtle nuance for that money

Of course you're right. I'll post a comparo tomorrow because we are just off outside now. Waring. You will be tempted...

:evil: lly

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what an amazing pic!!! OMG! £1000 for a filter! thats insane

It's peanuts, man! 

To mis-quote Crocodile Dundee, THIS is a narrowband filter;


It's under construction at the Institute of Astrophysics in Marseille. Like a fool, I asked where it was going to be deployed. The VLT.  Well, I did ask...


Edit, I can quickly give you  a dropbox link to the Ha 3Nm here;


and to the 7 Nm here;


Please note that the 3Nm image is a linear stack of just 3x30 mins with 9 micron pixels and the 7 Nm is a 10x30 stack with 7.2 micron pixels. Camera formats and scopes are identical. They are cropped to fit each other so you can do a blink comparison once you've stretched them. I'll be interested to see what you think. Oh, the 3 Nm was all in moonlight while the 7 Nm was 7 in the dark and 3 in the same moonlight as the 3Nm.

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