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Last look at the Menorcan Sun - Friday 1st


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It is our last today, we fly out tomorrow evening, but my scope is now packed away.  Anyway forecast is for thunderstorms tomorrow.

There was more than your average amount of cloud this morning, which meant having brekkie with Mrs DrRobin and then a break in the cloud, so I got set up, got a nice full disc and then had to wait for 25 minutes to get once WL close up.  I had my Quark charging up for some Ha, but the gaps were too short.  It came out sunny late morning, we had already set off fpr 7 mile walk along the coast by then and now its sunny but a bit hazy and too late in the day to start again.

So, it's just white lights from me today.




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Lovely shots, Robin :smiley:

Have a good flight back and please make sure none of those storm clouds get packed up in the bags :grin:  Saturday looks dodgy our way, I am pinning my hopes on a sunny solar Sunday with a smattering of new spots to really spice up matters.

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Thanks everyone, we had a great time and it was great to get so much use out of my Quark. The real star seems to be my ASI120MM-S though, it does have Newton Rings, but then so does my DMK41 at high mag and the ASI are broader, so seem easier to get rid of. I am going to try it on my Lunt, but reckon it will ring the death bell for my DMK41.

Plus my ASI120MM-S is one of the new USB3 versions, full screen at 60fps or ROI at up to 233fps with constant variable frame rates and the option of 16bit, unlike a DMK.

The thunderstorms didn't arrive and we had sun on our last day. Now if I had been up early I could have had one more last look?


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