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Skywatcher 200p Dob first light

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Brief background of experience: I only recently took up astronomy, around 4 weeks ago, with the impulse purchase of a Celestron 114EQ whilst on a camping holiday in Oxfordshire. The views of Saturn and Jupiter whilst on this trip with the supplied 10mm and 25mm EP's were enough to cue the purchase of a Cheshire collimator and 6.3mm Plossl. And in turn, have led to the newest member of the family!

Skywatcher 200p Dobsonian: This was a second hand purchase, just over a year old and originally supplied by FLO. I was initially anxious to buy a telescope second hand - the only real experience of buying used I've had before is motorbikes, which has always been a bit of an 'experience'! I needn't have worried, as per everyone else I've spoken to since starting astronomy the seller was lovely, and so genuinely helpful! Cheers again Paul if you stumble across this while lurking here :). The mount and OTA were both in superb condition, as good as new really.

Importantly for a beginner such as myself, one of the most well regarded collimation guides available is based on the 200P OTA, on AstroBaby's site. While the guide clearly explains what differences one might expect to see in a different scope, there is something infinitely reassuring about being able to compare the images on the screen with what's in front of you and know they're as close to spot on as you can get! Also helped massively by having a chat with some folks at my local astronomy society this evening! Following collimation and cooldown, a quick star test on Eltanin (just happened to be the brightest available star around 10:30 tonight!) confirmed good collimation, with nice airy discs on display.

First Light Report: My first target for the evening was, predictably, Saturn. After locating the planet, the view through my 6.3mm Plossl was incredible. The Cassini division was unmissable, very clear moons and some Equitorial detail.

Next up, I noticed quite by chance a fainter star near one in the handle of the Plough. I now know the brighter star was Mizar, and the fainter Alcor. Also, I know I wasn't tipsy, and that Mizar itself is in fact a double star - the first I have split!

Around 11:40 I bagged my first Messier object, M29! Very 'cool' to see the cooling tower, haha.

I brought proceedings to an end by eventually finding what I hope was M52, though I'm not 100% certain at this stage - I really do need to order an LP filter!

Overall a fantastic evening of looking up! With this scope, my Baader Zoom, and a 2.25 barlow on order I really feel very well set up to discover lots!

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the 200p is an excellent scope we have had a few fairly good nights to use them too which is rare haha. Also very much in need for a light pollution filter as its really bad where i am, not been able to see a great deal. That must have been a really good night and im glad but also jealous you saw so much in a single night :)

hope the skies are kind to you and you get to see more amazing sights

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the 200p is an excellent scope we have had a few fairly good nights to use them too which is rare haha. Also very much in need for a light pollution filter as its really bad where i am, not been able to see a great deal. That must have been a really good night and im glad but also jealous you saw so much in a single night :)

hope the skies are kind to you and you get to see more amazing sights

Thanks romx, hope the skies good to you as well! I must say I was well chuffed with what I saw, although I'm still not convinced it was M52 I found at the end of play! Regardless, stunning first night of many!

A chap at my local astronomy club I met last night recommended that I invest in a Baader OIII filter - apparently 8 inches of aperture is where it starts to shine. However I've seen John (the mod) mention in other threads his Astronomix OIII works well in his 4 inch refractor, which hopefully he'll be good enough to confirm/ deny if he spots this!


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Super scope ! Best upgrade is a Telrad and print these off ,


Great time of year to get a scope and get ready for those long, dark and

Clear skies !


Nick, I've got a Telrad sat in it's box waiting for love! Thanks so much for the link, that's incredibly helpful!!!

Regarding mounting the Telrad, I've the 9x50 finder scope currently on the OTA, is there any disadvantage to simply mounting it next to this? So from a birds eye view of the scope from left to right I'd have focuser tube, finder scope, Telrad?

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