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Baader Hyperion Zoom arrived, bit confused!

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I've just received a shiny new Zoom from FLO (great service).

Included in the box is what's described as a 'small eyerest', and a 'large adjustable eyerest'. The latter is attached to the eyepiece out of the box, and can it's height adjusted. Additonally there is another eyerest of similar size to the small eyerest, but with a large rubber shield/ flap extending from it. My problem is, I can't for the life of me work out how I'm meant to attach these smaller eyerests? I've taken off the rubber eyerest which is attached to the screw up cup, but still can't see anyway to attach these other eyerests?

I'm sure I'm missing something really obvious! Gotta say the lack of instructions included with the EP is a bit frustrating, as a nooby I certainly don't want to start giving stuff a 'firm' twist to see if it should come off or not! I've had a good look at the Baader info I can find on the EP but to no avail!

Thanks in advance and sorry for the daft questions!


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I have the same eyepiece.

The wide "twist up" eye cup clips into a metal adapter ring which in turn screws onto the top of the eyepiece. The tall narrower eye cup and the winged eye cup are alternatives which fit straight onto the top of the eyepiece without the need for the wider adapter.

I find the wide "twist up" eye cup loose and annoying in it's action so I use the tall narrow eye cup  instead. I found the winged eye cup annoying too so it's just as well the zoom comes with alternatives !

The "twist up" eye cup on the Mk II Baader zoom was better engineered although I think optically the Mk III is a better eyepiece overall.

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The Baader Hyperion zoom was my first eyepiece & I still love it to bits. However, I agree that it wouldn't hurt to supply some sort of reference or instruction sheet with it. Took me a while to get my head around all the various bits & pieces that fell out of the box when it arrived.

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The Baader Hyperion zoom was my first eyepiece & I still love it to bithey're overer, I agree that it wouldn't hurt to supply some sort of reference or instruction sheet with it. Took me a while to get my head around all the various bits & pieces that fell out of the box when it arrived.

The problem is I take it as a personal insult when I can't work it out haha! Especially when there's not instructions - it's like they're saying it's so obvious we won't even give em instructions!!

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  • 5 months later...

I am really glad I found this thread! My zoom lens arrived this morning, and I had convinced myself I was an idiot. The twist up eyepiece was quite tight and only through reading these comments did I feel confident to be firm with it and see how the alternatives attach.

I know it's obvious now, but as a complete novice, a wee diagram in the box would have been appreciated.

I can see I will be a regular visitor...

Thanks for posting.

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I thought the same when I got mine. I decided that I preferred the taller, thinner fold down rubber eye cup to the twist up one. I never had much confidence in the robustness of the latter and I'm not so keen on the "wing" type which also came with the zoom.

I guess it's better to have more options than too few though.

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