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Afocal Saturn pics


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I actually took these a week ago (10/02/08) and I forgot I took them TBH! I'm fairly sure I took these with my Intes MK66 Mak-Cass which would explain why the focus is a little off (I find the longer the focal length, the harder it is to focus), using my Canon Powershot A610/Baader Hyperion setup. I think there's a mixture of exposure times here which explains the different brightnesses. Pick your fave :D.


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Great result Tony, Difficult to pick one over the others, but I will choose the last one.

I would like to see the result of the Mak a 4x Powermate attached to a DSLR.

I reckon that scopes waiting to eat the moon too.

Ron. :D

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I found the different tones in those shot very interesting and wondered what the result of combining them in one image would look like. Did a quick combi' during which I had one of the image layers at high contrast and couldn't fail to notice three bright 'spots' off to the left the . Anyway,image 1 shows the result. I was sure these were moons but I'm not used to working upside down,so to speak. I reorientated the image, cleared some of the noise and enlarged it a bit to see what was there......... see image 2.

I think you have splendid captures there Tony and if you work on the originals you will,I'm sure,turn up something more of interest.



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CW, even by my relatively lazy standards, I've been lazy with these (ie: done nothing at all to them) and you've done a sterling job on bringing out more detail and some of the moons :D. Thank ye kindly sir!


PS did I tell you I can be a bit lazy??

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