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Solar setup


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I know I've posted images of this before, but this is the latest iteration of my solar Ha and White Light setup. I've now fitted my half pillar and mini giro onto the Duraluminum tripod from my Atlux, and it is rock steady!

I think even the best photo tripods suffer from vibrations when you focus or move the scope. My AT413 is the best I've had and is great for travel use, but does still take a few seconds to settle after focussing. I've decided I will use the Duraluminum one at home, and just switch the head between the Atlux and the giro.

The twin headed mini giro is great, able to take the weight easily. The only slight issue with it is fine adjusting the tension is a little tricky to find the right level, but as long as the rig is balanced, it works very well.

Now using the TV85 with the wedge, and the PST. With the 85 I'm now very much enjoying the Baader Continuum filter, perhaps the extra aperture helps, but it really shows the faculae and granulation well.

The main trouble now is that the PST is struggling to keep up, so perhaps a Lunt 50 or even a Daystar Quark to use in the TV76 are in order!





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That looks very nice indeed. I have been contemplating a mini-giro for a while now. Should make my mind up, I suppose.

They work very well Michael. As said the only issue is that the adjustment on the tension is a little tricky, only a very small turn goes from too loose to too tight so it is hard to get right. The tension adjustment on the Giro is better, but then it is a bigger mount. Depends how important portability/weight is I guess?


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Very nice indeed Stu :grin: I think I will follow a similar route in the future

How are you finding AZ4 setup you have Shaun? I'm half tempted to try one as a halfway house between the photo tripod and the Duraluminum.

I just bought a Technosky eLLe to try, but think I am going to return it. It is very nice, but doesn't actually give me anything the mini giro doesn't. It weighs 1.8kg, not the 1kg TS quote on the web. The tension adjustment works well, but I still think it would benefit from a counter weight so the giro is possibly better and smoother.

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How are you finding AZ4 setup you have Shaun? I'm half tempted to try one as a halfway house between the photo tripod and the Duraluminum.

I just bought a Technosky eLLe to try, but think I am going to return it. It is very nice, but doesn't actually give me anything the mini giro doesn't. It weighs 1.8kg, not the 1kg TS quote on the web. The tension adjustment works well, but I still think it would benefit from a counter weight so the giro is possibly better and smoother.

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Interesting to hear that weight difference, which is a very big concern for me

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The mount is very stable and I haven't experience any vibration issues.

I am not over impressed with the clutch (up - down) it is either a little stiff or to free. I'm sure I could overcome this if I gave it some time.

It operates flawlessly with the dovetail, so I guess the above issue is down to balance.

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I was just thinking how great a 60mm Lunt would look sitting next to that beautiful Televue :grin::evil:

Yes it would!! Can't stretch to a 60 unfortunately, either a 50 or a Quark are my options.....

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That mini-Giro looks so cute on the pier.... Been considering one myself for my new Tak 60 and Tak 76. Love the big brothers, the Ercole and Giro 2 that I already own.

It does, doesn't it! :-). It does just show that the mount is very capable if it's on a solid enough tripod. It would probably take my 106 triplet (7kg plus accessories), with sufficient counter weights of course. It would suit your portable/travel requirements I'm sure.

Do you have a Herschel Wedge Matthew? If not, I think you need one ;-)


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Do you have a Herschel Wedge Matthew? If not, I think you need one ;-)

I need to stop spending money on astro-equipment!  I just cannot stop myself so please do not encourage me.....But hmm, that sounds mighty tempting.  :grin:

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I need to stop spending money on astro-equipment! I just cannot stop myself so please do not encourage me.....But hmm, that sounds mighty tempting. :grin:

I know that feeling!! :-)

In the grand scheme of things, a Lunt wedge is only around €200 ish plus maybe a continuum filter.... Just small change really ;-)

Sorry :-)

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I know that feeling!! :-)

In the grand scheme of things, a Lunt wedge is only around €200 ish plus maybe a continuum filter.... Just small change really ;-)

Sorry :-)

STOP!  I already own a continuum filter.  Must resist......

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  • 4 months later...

Its the weekend Stu and I want to see the new update to your solar setup or is it still at the mercy of UK customs?

Finally collected it from the post office this morning! Haven't unpacked it yet and doubt I will get a chance to use it tomorrow as we are quite busy. Might just manage a quick unboxing and photo. The suspense is killing me!

I've got one of those power packs coming too, although I have power in the garden so using the mains adapter is no problem at home.

I've decided to break myself in gently and start with the Tak 60 and work upwards :-)

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Cheers Rob. It has changed a bit since I posted this, will pop further details up once I've had a chance to try them out. Basically the PST has gone, replaced by a Quark in a choice of Fracs. The mini giro has also gone, replaced by the Giro-WR.

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The Quark.... It lives!! ;-)


Finally have my grubby little hands on it. Took about 8.5 mins to warm initially then seemed around 5 to 6 minutes with each change. That was inside of course, but seems reasonable. Quite easy to get it warmed up prior to use too so am quite happy with that.

First light to follow, once this rain clears of course so could be some time!


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Will you be using it for visual observing or do you plan to give imaging a go with it also Stu ??

99% visual Nick. If I do any 'imaging' it will likely be just some of my dodgy iPhone shots :-), mostly as a record of what I've seen.

I may try sketching but Ha is trickier than white light I reckon.

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