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Mount security and outside storage

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Unfortunately I do not have a place in my garden suitable for an observatory but my rear patio has so far proved a good location to set-up; I store the mount inside the patio door and carry it out when needed.  I have just acquired an EQ6 mount and whilst this arrangement would still work, it would be more convenient to leave the mount outside from time to time - perhaps for a few days or even weeks, especially in periods of better weather.  Two questions:

  1. Can anyone recommend suitable covers for such an arrangement?  I have seen a few around such as the Scope Coat and others, which judging by their description and some discussions in this Forum are generally waterproof etc but my patio is south facing and at times can get quiet warm - I am concerned that such covers might result in condensation or overheating of the mount?
  2. If is is OK to leave a mount out, is there any way to secure it, say to the patio or another alternative?

Thanks, Graham


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I used to leave my EQ mount out under a tarpaulin. Never went walkies. However, it did rust a lot. Surprising how quickly it did rust actually. If it is one with electronics in, I wouldn't leave it out at all. Spiders liked to get in it as well.

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Unfortunately I do not have a place in my garden suitable for an observatory but my rear patio has so far proved a good location to set-up; I store the mount inside the patio door and carry it out when needed.  I have just acquired an EQ6 mount and whilst this arrangement would still work, it would be more convenient to leave the mount outside from time to time - perhaps for a few days or even weeks, especially in periods of better weather.  Two questions:

  1. Can anyone recommend suitable covers for such an arrangement?  I have seen a few around such as the Scope Coat and others, which judging by their description and some discussions in this Forum are generally waterproof etc but my patio is south facing and at times can get quiet warm - I am concerned that such covers might result in condensation or overheating of the mount?
  2. If is is OK to leave a mount out, is there any way to secure it, say to the patio or another alternative?

Thanks, Graham

You might want to look at this thread: http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/218162-all-weather-scopemountpier-cover/

And if you have a permanent pier then I recommend using security bolts (those than cannot be undone without a special key tool) to hold the mount.


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