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Ostara Plossl Eyepieces

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i don't have much experience with the brand you mention but i have used Plossl eyepiece's, i don't think they would be that suitable as the eye relief on the higher mag ones (say 3.5 - 10mm) tends to be very small/short, so your glasses may hinder your view through them, but lower mag (20mm - 32mm) mite not be so much of a problem. hope this is of some help.

I'm sure someone with a lot more knowledge on eyepiece's may be able to point you in the right direction for a more suited one that is better for glass wearers



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At f/5 plossls may not perfom too good especially at the shorter end.

Additionally at arounf 8mm you will be getting close to the actual eyepiece, even if you do not wear your glasses for viewing. I suspect there is a reason why TV do not make a plossl below 8mm.

I take mine off usually, but having eye relief available is good idea. If someone else views with you then there will be a lot of focus changing.

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I use plossl in my f5 newt.. I also had the astromaster 130 prior to the one in my sig.. I used revelation plossls, the 32mm one was quite good but the 15mm and 20mm revelation plossls were horrible... Really bad.. And at £26 a go similar to the ostara plossls your looking at.. I wouldn't go below 8 or 11mm due to eye relief.. You might want to consider instead of a couple of cheaper EP's maybe a single EP that's a bit more... The BST get good right ups on here... Just a thought.. In anyway.. Clear sky's!

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Your current line-up already sounds pretty good.  I don't rate the Ostara Plossls much as the thread for filters is not very good on some models ie. you may have difficulty using filters with them.  If I were you I would consider the TV plossls as an investment, they are keepers.  Failing that the BST Explorers/StarGuiders are great ep's and good value for money here: http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_odkw=bst+explorers+starguiders&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313&_nkw=bst+explorer&_sacat=0

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If you want a genuine Ostara plossl just look at the image of the eyepiece.

The genuine ones will have the Ostara logo on the eyepiece body itself . These have much better build quality + a good filter thread 

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