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Avalons now cheaper?

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I see that Ian King lists the Avalon Linear Fast Reverse belt drive mount  at £3198 without tripod. I seem to think it used to be more than that. Am I dreamng? This mount is working well for the several owners I know personally (Yves, Paul J, Sara and two other non-SGLers) and mounts which really work with a high order of tracking accuracy for longer focal lengths don't grow on trees. (I also know personally an awful lot of owners who have had endless heartache with often supposedly good mounts...)

Hmm, I have a couple of EQ sixes I could sell. They are far from bad but not my choice for long FL duty. I feel the fiendish tickle of temptation here...


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Yes, prices dropped last week. IKI told me that Avalon decreased the price on a batch of mounts they ordered in for the International Astronomy Show (bigger discount). I'm interested in the Linear + Geoptik tripod, reduced to £3663 from £3963.


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Yep definitely a price drop, I've just looked ta my invoice!!

This is an excellent mount for the money and I am very pleased that I got it. I keep meaning to do a kind of 10 month review of what it's like to live with! There's a few of us with them and I've not heard any complaints. For me it guides well at 2350mm and that is quite an ask. On the short focal length scope it doesn't even bat an eye lid!

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Yes, it does seem to be working well and not generating an aftermarket industry of improved bits, as seen with Losmandy, SW and iOptron. I haven't even seen anyone doing a worm drive mod - as yet!  :eek:  :grin:  :eek:


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