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Abell 2151 (Hercules Galaxy Cluster)

Martin Meredith

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I've become very fond of galaxy clusters since acquiring the Lodestar-C/Live combo so with Hercules well placed here's a 60s attempt at Abell 2151in the 80mm f/6 between the clouds last night. It's not the best as I forgot to re-level the mount, so there's some trailing.


This is the SDSS image of the same region (nice to see its not just me that gets blown out stars ;-)


Here's the result of putting it through Astrometry.net. The field is so full of galaxies that the labelling doesn't really help much in this case (besides, it has missed some  :smiley: )


I've been monitoring the faintest objects for a while and reckon with this scope I can get to around mag 16, perhaps a little more, in the village with some LP. For this kind of object the new SX mono Lodestar would be ideal!

Thanks for looking


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Thanks. Always good to see the same objects through different setups.

BTW have your images lost something in compression? The artefacts look like jpeg rather than camera noise...


May be. I use a high level of jpg compression but have raised it recently. Of course enlarged and successive crops will suffer:-)
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nytecam, on 26 May 2014 - 3:57 PM, said:

Hi Martin - very nice image - here's my response from last night via 30cm SCT + Lodestar-Mx2 + LodestarLive in 45 sec with annotated negative version too via Sloan DSS reference  :police:

Here is a prime example of just stacking two image on the fly will make a big difference in pulling out these very faint galaxies more through the background noise.

Chris A


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