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Starlight Xpress Lodestar X2

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Must have been one of the last to buy the first version which appears pretty sensitive anyway. I'm glad they've changed the rear connectors for you lucky ones. Can I ask for recommendations for capture software for SX Lodestar for Mac? For guiding I use PHD2.

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Must have been one of the last to buy the first version which appears pretty sensitive anyway. I'm glad they've changed the rear connectors for you lucky ones. Can I ask for recommendations for capture software for SX Lodestar for Mac? For guiding I use PHD2.

Ekos (INDI), Nebulosity, TheSkyX+cam addon, Paul's impressive Loadstar Live (only a matter of time before SX licence/buy the rights in my view ;))..

I think quite a few of the old DSLR capture apps are starting to add CCD capture too.. and make it to OSX!

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Much more than 10 seconds last night and I was starting to get swamped out by the full moon an light pollution. Maybe F4 is too fast under these conditions? The Lodestar Live software Paul has written might be the way forward- i.e. live stacking many short exposures.

The other thing I need to get used to with this camera is the smaller CCD sized- I'm too familiar with the vast acreage of APS-C sized chips!

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I attempted Saturn last night- 2000mm FL @ F8. The very fastest exposure setting 1/1000th and Saturn is burned out. But at least all the moons showed up. I can see this camera might be a useful tool for supernova hunters?

Saturn & moons 1/1000th @ 2000mm


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I attempted Saturn last night- 2000mm FL @ F8. The very fastest exposure setting 1/1000th and Saturn is burned out. But at least all the moons showed up. I can see this camera might be a useful tool for supernova hunters?

Saturn & moons 1/1000th @ 2000mm


Hmm possibly a win-win case for using broadband or narrowband filters (or OSC) if planets are being burned out.

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