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Anyone from Teesside?

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I'm from Teesside, but I live down on the Surrey/Sussex border. When I visit, I stay in Yarm, which gives easy access to the Cleveland Hills. It's as dark as the inside of a cow up there.

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Think there are 3 or 4 from up there, one recent person I think from Redcar and a couple from Middlesboro. Were you the person from Redcar see you have 42 posts so may have been your intro I read.

Not sure what the Social Groups has in it, possibly grouped in with Yorkshire. Could be wort a post asking the same there.

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Nope. That wasn't me. I'm in Ingleby in Stockton. Just a stone throw away from lots of countryside. I know u need to go further for darker skies but I just need somewhere within half an hour, which is darker than my back garden. But as I drive through the countryside I don't really see anywhere to pull over.

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Danby Beacon works well for me

Yeah Danby is lovely. Could be a destination if we go camping. But ideally want somewhere a little closer.

But I'll remember that suggestion ;-)

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  • 10 months later...

Anywhere up on the moors if you can find a pull in. Sutton bank (30 miles) claims to be a dark spot, a bit of a drive, when ever I go there the clouds follow me..

I still have to try Keilder, even further.

As above, if you get over the Clevland hills, that gets dark, still near Midlesbrough sky glow, i'm still looking for a good spot.

I'm just putting together some grab n go gear so I am looking for other places as well.

I'm in Ingleby Barwick BTW.

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  • 5 months later...

Hey bud. Only just saw your post. I drove up Clay Bank the other night just to check it out and it seems pretty good. I didn't take my scope, was just out and about and thought I'd check it out. It's weird how creepy it is though. Not sure I'd want to go by myself lol. You found anywhere reasonable?

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Hi, I am now kitted out with a DOB and an Astro tracker for grabNgo, still putting together a portable imaging setup. The further you go toward Helmsley (past Clay bank) the darker it gets. I have not found a good spot to park and set up yet.

There is a nice, little, campsite just outside Dalby Forest that is dark, apart from the bright blue toilet block lights. There are a few campsites bang in the middle of the moors.

So I am still looking.

I plan to go to the CADAS meeting at Wynyard on the 11th Sept. (Thinking of joining) If I get any suggestions from them, I will let you know.

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I wanted to go to Wynyard for one of the meetings last year but never did. I may this time round. I emailed a few of them actually asking for advice on where to go. One of them from Durham was even kind enough to invite me to his place where he has dark skies and his own little observatory. I never did though :-/

I'm sure when I was up Clay Bank the other week, as I was leaving someone was in fact setting up their scope. But it was too dark to tell. I really wanted to stop and ask, but could have been awkward if they weren't lol.

I've had mine for well over a year and apart from a failed attempt one night in the freezing cold at Wynyard, I've barely used it. Now is probably a perfect time. Dark enough before midnight and not too cold!


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A friend of mine has suggested a car park somewhere between Osmotherly and Hawnby. He says it is really dark there. He spends a lot of his time walking, cycling or hunting in that area and also enjoys naked eye astronomy. I will have to check it out one night.


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With the industry on teesside light pollution is always an issue but as stockton council is repalcing all street lights with LED ones hopefully the sky glow will improve over the next year as this progresses.

As far as sites for observing I find into teesdale towards barnard castle is good, and also to the south of the moors. Dalby forest is an excellent site and the Scarborough and rydale astro soc hold an annual star camp there which is open to anyone.

The CaDAS meeting at wynyard is also good value as its only £12 for a years membership so worth joining as there are 10 meetings per year.


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That is the one that I asume it is. His directions were, go to Osmotherly and take the road to Hawnby.

I have not been there to check it out but I must have driven past it many times over the years.

I have no idea what the passing night time traffic is like.

It is 17 miles and 25 minutes from me. I am torn between spending time putting together my Grab N Go rig or looking for places to use it.

Looks like there is only a slim chance of a hint of sky tomorrow night and the moon will be getting in the way.

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  • 3 weeks later...

MrJaffa, I was thinking of trying the Osmotherly/Hawnby car park on Sunday/Monday to watch/photograph the Eclipse. So far the weather looks (wait for it...) Cloudy.

If the clouds change their minds I'll be there with a few friends.

Hmm this coming lunar eclipse is gonna be a late one, I'll have to pass!
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Hey bud. Just saw this and your PM. I've actually just got myself the Monday off work so I can stay up for this. Was probably going to view from my garden but did maybe think of venturing out. So thanks for the invite! I may well do so. Think I would need a postcode or something as I've no idea where it is though ;-)

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The post code of the 3 Tuns inn in Osmotherley is DL6 3BN

There are 3 main roads out of town, take the one to Hawnby. The gravel pull off is on the right, 2.5 miles from the inn.

DL6 3QB is the post code but not much help really as it is a mile or so away from the pull in.

The Clear Outside forecast keeps changing several times per day between clear and cloudy so who knows if the eclipse will be visible.


I have not tried the spot myself but thought this would be a good excuse to try it out, if clear skies allow.

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To be honest you wont need a dark sky for the eclipse so a trip as far as Osmotherley might not be needed. As long as you have a decent south west view then it should be ok so maybe the far side of ingleby would give a decent view anyway.


Yes good point. The moon is quite bright. It would be nice to see the umbra under dark conditions though.

It was an excuse to test out the carpark/pull-off somewhere dark with low(ish) horizons and assess the place for future dark sky adventures when the moon has gone away.

The weather forcast is still changing almost hourly and currently predicting clouds. The clouds have only 2 more days to make their minds up.

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I have a feeling it will be clear so should be a good one. As for the umbra its always been quite obvious even with the i.c.i looming in the background ..... as in october 1985 when the full moon rose over teesside, already in full eclipse, in a crystal clear sky. A sight which got me hooked on astronomy as a kid !

I have a feeling that the carpark at the talpole pub at the tees barrage would be good as its elevated and has a decent south west view.


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