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A Mars a day helps you work rest and play

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Mars is quite a hard target, more challenging than I at first thought. Just for fun, here are my first attempts at it. I'm quite new to this imaging lark and am still learning the capabilities of my equipment and how to use the various bits of processing software.

This was taken using :

Meade LS 8" Telescope

SCT Crayford Focuser

Orion 5MP Planetary Imager

Processed (sort of) in Registax




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Nice image! Better than any Mars I've done. When you get to Wavelets in Registax, on the right hand side is a panel. Click RGB Align and choose Estimate. That should get rid of your red and blue halo (due to asmospheric refraction). Somone on here said to draw a box around the planet when doing RGB Align, including the halos, or the image will go funny. I've not had that problem with mine and have not used the box, but have a go.


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