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Finding my feet with DSS

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Hi all. Just been playing around with taking some 7sec RAW (non tracked) star shots to play around with software and get used to how it works - been playing with REGISTAX and DSS. I realise I'm not going to get anything worthwhile, just wanted to work out how the stacking/alignment all works and play with the processing to get "something" out at the end. I am slowly figuring it all out, and have been playing more with DSS as I can chuck in the RAW files straight away.

I had 12 shots last night with 5 Darks and 5 Flats (I think). I used DSS to check them and stack them all and the image at the end could be manipulated to show a pretty impressive number of stars across a dark field. While I won't write home about the quality, it is helping me figure out what I am doing. I need to work out the processing of the TIFF file after DSS as, when I open teh 16-bit save file in GIMP (for example) the image is darker and the detail seems to have disappeared - but that is half the fun of learning.

Anyhoo, my question is, after stacking etc, DSS gives me a TIFF file that is about 1000x2800 pixels, so it is a tall oblong image - a very different aspect ratio to the original images.

As I am new to this, is that normal, or is there likely something that is going wrong in the processing - I kind of expect the images to be difficult to stack with such small exposures, so that may well be an image. As I say, this was just for practice with the software, so wasn't expecting miracles, but if there is something I am missing with the output TIFF, it would be great to know!

Have scanned some threads and can't find an answer, but apologies if it is in here somewhere!

Many thanks!

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Thanks everyone - hoped it would be something like this. Saw the alert on DSS last night when I was loading up the photos, but thought I would do it later as it was 3am and I had only downloaded the software on Monday, so thought it would be pretty much up to date! Sorry for asking a daft question....will pop off to update it now!

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Thanks again - after working out what on earth a .RAR file is, I've updated DSS and it seems to be working with the RAW files from my 1100D. Now all I need to do is build by barn door tracker, take some decent pictures and teach myself how to process the images.......just a few minor things! :laugh:

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