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What do I need and how do I do it ?

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I'm all very new to this so please don't assume I will make myself clear.

Have recently (Jan 2014) acquired me first astro kit.

Celestron Advanced VX 6 Newt GOTO etc. Maybe not every-ones first choice for a novice, but I'm  happy.

Have also got (some 5 years ago) a Pentax Kr 18-50 mm and 50-200 mm lens (standard kit with camera).

Would like to use both together . Have read I need a T adaptor plus rings? , tubes?

I know you don't use the camera lens , so how does it all fit together.

Note I bought a 90 deg mirror eyepiece adaptor but cat use it because it extends the "focal length" to much.

Grateful for any help, guidance

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to mount the camera you need an adapter to fit your camera with a thread that allows you to connect your camera to the focuser

you can either connect the T ring direct to the focuser or use a Nose piece and put the camera into the eye piece holder

something like thistelescope3.jpg

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Thats an excellent Camera but you'd be doing yourself a real service to get a Canon DSLR if you're going to use one at all for all the better imaging programs are geared towards them.

That's a bit harsh. Unless i have missed something it is not clear exactly what camera the OP has. I would assume, possibly incorrectly,  because of the lenses that it is a Pentax camera body. It is perfectly acceptable to use a Pentax or any other camera body for astro imaging. True, the majority use Canon. Partly because the amount of software that is available and because they seem to have lower noise levels.

To the OP, oldpink is correct you need a T-ring, not sure how available those are for Pentax cameras - if it is a Pentax camera.


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Thanks all.

Camera is a Pentax camera, 12 M pix adjustable and/or adaptive low noise reduction ISO 100 - 25600 (yes 25600) and it's lighter (less mass) than anything in class and I doubt I'd change BACK to a Canon.

Been doing photography for years , RAW file processing is RAW file processing.

IF Leveye would like to send me the cash for a Canon DSLR .... I'd probably spend it on a larger OTA.

There are T-rings available for Pentax K* cameras I just need to where to get a good one, don't want to damage the camera interface.

OLDPINK cant download your jpeg graphic

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T rings are easy to get for Pentax K.  FLO and Greenwitch have them.  I assume they are the same quality as my Canon one and that has been fine for over 5 years.  You then need an extension tube adaptor(s) like in old pink's picture which will fit your focusser.  I also use a 65mm extension tube from Revelation Astro that fits into a 1.25" focusser or a visual back.  This bit of kit allows you to also insert a barlow or eyepiece into the train to bring up image scale for planets etc.


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Here you go:


£21 for the Pentax K model

You may also want a coma corrector, something like this


Or this


The reason is that the chip size of even an APS-C DSLR is larger than the coma-free field of a fast newt.

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Here you go:


£21 for the Pentax K model

You may also want a coma corrector, something like this


Or this


The reason is that the chip size of even an APS-C DSLR is larger than the coma-free field of a fast newt.

Thanks DaveS

Can afford the T ring, will have to hold on the coma-correctors for a while (cash flow for pensioners ! and the wife)

So have just ordered a T ring and tube

Thanks all , Going to set up my astro kit now looks like a good night

John G   ..... lesliejohn

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