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Which one and why?


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Hi all,

Am looking to get a colour camera for planetary imaging, I already have a mono, wanted colour for ease and when not got time for mono.

The two obvious choices are



But which one of them and why, I realise there is about £60 difference in price, but they look, spec wise, the same camera, what are the pros and cons of each camera besides price, as price is not an issue

Is it better software, electronics of the camera, drivers, physical size, cooling, or just after sales service?

Appreciate any advice


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If it was me I would stick with the mono ,the asi120 seems to be the man of the moment (till the next one comes along and every one buys that one) and looks more popular with every one I will stay with my mono one but the one mentioned seems to be the better or ,every one would go with another


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There is also the imaging source DMK series of cameras.

I have the DBK 21 imaging source camera too, but wanted a slightly bigger chip, 1/4 on my DMK is just too small with my scope


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I have both the ASI 120MM and MC and these are very good, with colour however you need the most sensitive sensor that you can afford, and the ASIs score very highly, however if you could afford a camera with a Sony IMX 035 sensor then good on you, the ones with the Sony ICX 674 sensors cost an arm and a leg though.


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I am surprised with the amount of people with one of these cameras, there would have been a lot more feedback that this

But I guess there must be no difference between them

Regards to all who replied


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Unfortunatly I don't have the experience to offer an opinion, however I've been following this topic with interest as these two cameras are on my list as well. For now colour is my preferred option, for ease of use mainly.

Looking forward to seeing which one you decide on!

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I think I am edging towards the QHY because the IR filter in the ASI camera is NOT removable without taking the camera apart

I would prefer to use my own top quality one, as usually the ones you get built in to cameras are not that good, the ones in the Imaging source cameras are very poor quality.

So the QHY IR filter screws out as far as I am told, so that might be the one for me

Also the QHY camera is only the size of an eyepiece, which means that with my Telvue Barlow I can sink it further into it and get different magnifications, by moving the camera up or down in the Barlow, which I think could be useful for me, I can get from 1.5x to 2.5x.


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