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Hi everyone,

A couple more Jupiter images to show you for any help/advice you can give me.

I tried to use a 2x barlow on one of them but it was a bit blurred.  is this simply a focus issue or am I missing something?

Quite pleased with the other one, however.


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I'd guess the seeing was poor and under those conditions more magnification just makes it look worse. It's the same effect when looking through an eyepiece. Was Jupiter low down or over a house or something?

You still captured the red spot nicely though :)


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Well done Matt - some nice detail and colour in this.   Looks like the seeing was less than perfect, but still a decent shot at native focal length and in good seeing the 2x barlow will come in to its own.     The 925s are excellent planetary scopes and can produce stunning images at this aperture - DP's oft cited review is worth a look if you haven't already seen this - http://www.damianpeach.com/c925review.htm   Main drawbacks are cooling and dew control on the corrector plate, but a whole lot of bang for relatively modest price and rather less temperamental than it's bigger sibblings.

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Thanks for your kind comments SnakeyJ. I have solved the cooling issues as it is set up in my observatory permanently so is pretty much at the correct temperature. I made my own dew shield too (out of an old camping mat and duck tape). Looking forward to getting more detail when the seeing (and clouds) allows!

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Excellent efforts Matt. Just reiterating what others have said really. The seeing is the is the overall arbiter and more often than not it is pants - certainly in this neck of the woods! Focussing can be awkward - I would love an electric focusser. Difference between spot on and nearly there is tiny.  My C8 has some image shift which can also be trying sometimes!!! You do though have the enormous advantage of a permanent setup which I would - along with many others I suspect - love, so your scope is out in the theatre, as it were, from the start. Clear skies to you!

                                          Best regards,


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