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Don't you just hate it...


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I hate it more when the site shows it is in stock but in reality it isn't and you don't find out until you call them after the expected delivery time has passed :smiley:

On the other hand it is quite exciting waiting for your new toys to arrive. What did you buy ?

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I ordered from WEX as I'd heard only good things. They're not doing anything wrong - It does clearly say on their website that my items are "awaiting stock" and "5-7 days". I just can't stand the wait and excitement! 

Shaun, I ordered an HEQ5 Pro mount, a 200P OTA and an Evostar 150 OTA. Really wishing I'd added some decent EPs and a camera of some sort to the order now - All I'm doing on the internet at the moment is winding myself up about which EPs I want to get - not helping things at all. I'm like a child before christmas!

Hurry up!!

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...When your order is complete but none of your bits are in stock yet! :( Can't wait for my kit to arrive!

or your order is processed,delivered to uk address and your waiting on a visitor bringing it to you? lmao

patience is the key i suppose

awaiting arrival anytime soon...this year! of cg5 mount,polarscope(flo),starshoot camera and various m42 camera lenses and bits n bobs from amazon

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I really do hate the waiting around as well! I ordered my CGEM DX 1100HD 1 week and 4 days ago... I'm starting to run out of things to read and watch in preparation. The worst thing is I could potentially have another 1-2 weeks or it could be in tomorrow! enjoy your clouds and new gear tomorrow :)

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I know the feeling, there's just no telling but every day gets slower and slower until BANG you open your door to find the big brown boxes are there. Don't wish me clouds though :( Be nice Dan lol

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