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Registax 6 problem

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 Hi Folks

I bought the Orion starshooter imager IV two weeks ago and just getting down to operating it,   although on trying it out for the first time I followed the instructions  no problem.. then went onto two choices on the orion Software disc, Registax 6  and some other software I never heard of. i picked the registax and off i went to go through the instructions on how to get better images and stack them etc etc...going through the softwares operating procedures via  Sky at night (March 2014)  and I got an end result no better than the  original pics taken by the Imager?...is this it?...or am I doing something wrong?.. one thing though, the graph that shows the end result before finally saving the image (use-Discard) did not appear on my screen.. am I doing something wrong?.. any help would be greatly appreciated Cheers!


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hello bb nice meeting you. let me ask you what are you trying to take an image of? and then we can go from there ok. I just started messing around with the same cam as you have there. Here is a picture

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            mike h



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hello bb nice meeting you. let me ask you what are you trying to take an image of? and then we can go from there ok. I just started messing around with the same cam as you have there. Here is a picture

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            mike h

attachicon.gifmo5 nov 13 2013 (640x480).jpg

Hi Mike! cheers for replying!.. I just took a Daytime photo of a blokes smoke stack in the distance just to get the feel of the Imager and the enclosed software to upload it.  I managed to get it working today 15:24pm and the image has turned out not bad considering our Drepressing winter  weather here in Scotland! The registax I think is not really my cup of tea as I upload my Nikon D3's images through serif on the pc no problem. I'll stick with it just now until i find a better program to stack & sort my Astronomical Bodies.  I do like your moon shot! very nice & crisp image indeed.


chimmney avi.bmp

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I've tried following quite a few tutorials on Registax and mostly they didn't work for my image

I suggest playing around with the settings, Esp in the wavelets and see what you can get

Cheers mate!.. I mucked about with all the parameters and managed to get a half decent test shot. i do agree with you and will look around for a better program.  


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use Autostakkert2 for stacking. registax is a nightmare.

AS2 is dead easy to use, is quicker and returns better results. Once the image is stacked then drop it into Registax for wavelet sharpening.

Hi mate nice to meet you!.. will do!..nothing more worse than a program that needs constant head turning to work it!!


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use Autostakkert2 for stacking. registax is a nightmare.

AS2 is dead easy to use, is quicker and returns better results. Once the image is stacked then drop it into Registax for wavelet sharpening.

Cheers mate!  I'll try and  upload the Autostakker see how  i get on!


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Oh sometimes you need to turn the graphs on via the buttons at the top of the image box

Cheers mate!.. still mucking around with it!...one of those mind boggling programs for An ex carpenter to work out.... gimme back an  Estwing hammer anyday!

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bb , that was a 10 second run on the moon. I tried from 30 seconds on down anything more then 10 seconds for the moon was to much. plus less movement . here is my set up a 6 inch achro f/8..do you see any CA in the photo?

                                                                                                                                                                           mike h



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use Autostakkert2 for stacking. registax is a nightmare.

AS2 is dead easy to use, is quicker and returns better results. Once the image is stacked then drop it into Registax for wavelet sharpening.

i'm going to check the Autostakkert2 out as well it looks interesting.

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bb , that was a 10 second run on the moon. I tried from 30 seconds on down anything more then 10 seconds for the moon was to much. plus less movement . here is my set up a 6 inch achro f/8..do you see any CA in the photo?

                                                                                                                                                                           mike h

cracking set up Mike! love that one!....not being ignorant CA?

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I use that same exact camera. I purchased mine probably about 6 weeks ago and am liking it so far.  It does take some getting used to and for me some quick adjusting to get things right, which I am still learning (harder to do without a guided mount trying to fidget with settings while keeping object in view).  Ive only been using Registax as well (just started trying out PIPP).  What really helped me get into Registax was this tutorial I found on youtube.


The picture is the first picture I tried in Registax. Took a little bit of tinkering with the wavelets to get it to that (which could have used a little more tinkering).  With a little practice with the program you will get it down and get those pictures perfectly where you want them!  best of luck!


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I use that same exact camera. I purchased mine probably about 6 weeks ago and am liking it so far.  It does take some getting used to and for me some quick adjusting to get things right, which I am still learning (harder to do without a guided mount trying to fidget with settings while keeping object in view).  Ive only been using Registax as well (just started trying out PIPP).  What really helped me get into Registax was this tutorial I found on youtube.


The picture is the first picture I tried in Registax. Took a little bit of tinkering with the wavelets to get it to that (which could have used a little more tinkering).  With a little practice with the program you will get it down and get those pictures perfectly where you want them!  best of luck!

Hi mate!.. I seen that one and saved it for future use .. just in case i forget. some of the Reg 6 seems a bit tricky at the start but after following the youtube one everything seemed to fall into place.

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