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First attempt

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Emboldened by others, here is my first attempt at an astro piccy.

Taken with my Toucam Pro, however, I have been a little remiss - I was so excited at being able to capture the image, I can't remember if this was with or without an eyepiece :oops:

I think it was without (is this called Prime Focus?), and has not been processed in anyway (apart from resized).


Any feedback / comments welcome.......


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Hello Darren,

Thats a fantastic first attempt :shock: sharp focus and the setting are just right! Congrats :)

Prime focus is when you place your camera directly into the Telescopes focusser, eyepiece project is when the camera is placed in front of a len's..

Do you have photoshop or Jasc paint shop Pro? if you have either of these programes you can edit your moon picture and i would recommend changing it to B/W mode and a little unsharp mask followed by a little despeckle(or gauss blur).

Fantastic Image

James :)

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Hi Darren,

Fantastic first image. In fact pretty close to my best efforts and i've been trying for 4 years now.

It looks nicely exposed, sharp and good contrast. I like that a lot.

Unlike me, you look to be a natural at this imaging lark.


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Weelll, dunno about a natural - took me ages fiddling with the settings on the camera, then back to the scope because the flippin thing had moved :x

Still, I have to say I was pleased with the images. I set the camera to take a shot every 5 seconds, so I had a chance to keep it on screen.

I will take up James' suggestion of tweaking in PSP and see what results I get. Now I have set up an album in Photobucket, I shall have somewhere to post my dabblings!


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