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The light dawned at 6am....


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Set up the scope last night after coming home from the AS observatory and set my alarm for 4:30am - which I got for, no problem.

While I waited for Jupiter (the object of this mornings exercise), I tested myself on constellations as well viewing more Saturn, M57, Vega and so on. At around 5:45, drinking my third cup of tea, I suddenly thought "Where has Jupiter got to? Should be up by now".

I then spotted a bright object high over the house, so I swung the scope round, and started viewing. Nope. Not Jupiter. Quick check shows this to be Arcturus in the constellation Bootes. Another quick check shows the ecliptic to be well below Arcturus - which means Jupiter is below the line of my house!!

A peek outside the front and BINGO! So, I moved everything out front, which is not ideal because of traffic and street lights, but it was worth it!

Up at 500x there was too much atmosphere to see any detail, at 333x the bands were certainly visible. Just a shame I left my brain in bed and missed more time with it!!! :oops:

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hi Daz,

I had an alnighter from 23:00 to 06:00 last night (lots of warming breaks though), the seeing was great until the fog came about 04:00 so Jupiter was a bit of a wash out for me I couldn't get about x100 without the image degrading, not a hope of seeing the transit. :lol:

I made the same mistake as you a Tuesday morning, I got in from from work around 07:00, thought I'd have a look a Jupiter and swung my scope at Arcturus. Doh! I must have been spoiled with Mars being so high in the sky and expected Jupiter to be that high.

One bit of good news that I wasn't banking on is that my new OIII filter blocks out Moonlight!! M42 was as good as ever even with the Moon nearby, the UHC-S made no difference however.



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I think if I had the cam on it I could have caught the transit, but I shan't have it till Monday. Coxy's been snowed under by the sound of it!!

Interesting point on the OIII - I shall remember that for when I get mine.

Glad I'm not the only one to get Arcturus and Jupiter confused!!!

I was very tempted to stay out once I got home, but I had 3 important meetings today (one to go!) so I went for the early option instead. Hence the lack of brain!!!

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