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cmos planetary camera

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I would like to have a crack  at lunar and planetary imaging and am considering a cmos camera by ZWO, the ASI 120mm. I wondered whether anyone has got one of these or used one and if so what the experience has been? It would be used with my Celestron C8SCT .A possible drawback for use with my F10 scope might be getting the image scale correct on the chip.

Thanks for replies.

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I have the 120MC, and have no concerns about the camera; lots of concerns about the operator though.

Use a barlow/powermate to maximise/optimise the image scale.

Search for "120MM" or just "ZWO" and you will find hundreds of threads on the topic.

Good luck.


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I use the ASI 120mc on my cpc800, had problems to start with as what you see in the eyepiece will be out of focus when you swap in the camera and in the process move the field of view slightly when doing so.

I bought the Vixen Flip Mirror and now I can center the image swap over to the camera and re-adjust focus in seconds, works a treat.

Hope this helps.

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same here, use a flip mirror saves alot of time, also the image scale is good with a 8 inch sct,

had prolems with me decktop pc not getting fast enough frame rates but now use it with a laptop completely seperate and all looks good so far, not had a good clear night yet to try it out, allways been misty or alittle cloud cover so haven't got a pic so far to show you.

you can go down to a frame size of 340 x 240 with the set up above and still have some dark background around the edges of the image, frame rates can be very fast at that size. 

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Yup.  Can't say that I've had any problems with either my 120MC or 120MM.  You will need to be doing mosaics for full disc images of the Sun, but even with a DSLR you'd have to do the same.


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I would like to have a crack  at lunar and planetary imaging and am considering a cmos camera by ZWO, the ASI 120mm. I wondered whether anyone has got one of these or used one and if so what the experience has been? It would be used with my Celestron C8SCT .A possible drawback for use with my F10 scope might be getting the image scale correct on the chip.

Thanks for replies.

As some one once said, if the 120MM  is good enough for Damian Peach then it is good enough for the rest of us mortals, I have both the MM and the MC and they are cracking cameras, not cheap but they are worth the asking price.  The rest is to do with skill and experience and ofcourse a suitable scope for imaging weather permitting ofcourse.



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