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Now Iv'e done it :D


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Thanks to Chris (Starfox) I manage to bag one of these, a 5mm no less.

I thought to grab the bull by the horns so to speak and go all the way and see if I can get on with such an eyepiece and the eye relief. 5mm is not something I would use that often but found myself wanting it on occasion as a mag I'd like but without braking the bank but with good optical quality, this could well fit the bill  :smiley:  also for double stars.

In the end of the day It is a little experiment to try this if I get on with orthos or not, that way I'll know in the long run. It should be great in the little Heritage too for lower mag.
I very much look forward to try it out and have high hopes I will learn to love it. :smiley:
As Qualia once said about Orthos, will I be a man and learn to hug that eyepiece like Fernando Alonso hugs the apex of every corner in his Ferrari ?  or will I be a reduced to a mouse and move it on. 

Time will tell, but one way or another I'll get it out of my system if it is for me or not :D

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It's a really great eyepiece if you can deal with the small eye lens and short eye relief  :smiley:

I still have the Astro Hutech version on loan from FLO and it gets regular use despite me having a Pentax XW and a Nagler Zoom that covers that focal length. When I want absolute minimal light scatter I turn to the ortho.

I'll be very interested to see what you make of it Alex  :smiley:

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I was close to buying that eyepiece when i spotted it , for the same reason . I wanted to see if I could cope with such tight er , and see what the views would be like.

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Great stuff, Alex. Don't let that finicky concern of eye-relief put you off. Naaa, tough guys and gals do tough things. They conquer fears and do scarey stuff :grin:

Look forward to hearing your own impresssions of the little giant.

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Thank you folks I look forward to the challenge of looking through a peep hole :D

While I was researching and it seems data is a bit scarce I came across this data sheet for anyone interested, since data seems a bit scarce on them.  Interesting since as they are advertised with a 40 degree FOV, versus the 42 of Fujiyama HDs and Astro Hutech I think, the published field stops are actually all identical where I come across them though and the entry lens diameter as well it seems.   

Genuine Ortho Eyepiece Data.pdf

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Arrived this morning, hopefully I wil get it to try it tonight. Seeing it is high mag stuff in the 10 inch it will take a while to evaluate to see how good it really is under suitable conditions for me, but in the heritage at 130x seeing should be much less of an issue, I will try in that first.

Very well packaged Chris, I needed a good knife and several minutes to get inside the box. 

I wasn't expecting this thing so soon, so a nice surprise :smiley:

First impression is that it is very well made, the baffling looks solid and thick and all  black inside, very nice,  and for a tiiiiiny little thing it weighs a fair bit. It's a little cuty :grin: .

For a comparison see my currently fairly big eyepiece, a 28mm Maxvision compared to the little ortho. Not dissimilar in size to the 10mm  that come with skywatcher scopes, but with a more solid feel and pristine finish both on the glass and body, plus the added weight makes it a very different beast. 

Looking through it in daylight holding it in my hand I can see the field stop clearly, brief test to see how close I need to be. I do feel my eyelashes pressing against the flat top, but the lens is so small there is no fear my eyelashes will actually get onto the top lens. 

The glass looks just like high quality pure glass made for transmission, the coatings have some interesting characteristics on first impression. Inside the house it just looks so pure and transparent without any hints of colour.

I think I dig the Phantom in the name Mr Abbe, very clever :grin: .

Outside in very bright daylight a little bit of colour begins to be revealed. For sure very different compared to some of my other eyepieces in that regard.

But enough of looking at it, what will it be like looking through it in the scope ? ... I for sure can't wait :smiley:


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Seeing Conditions poor, had a good session on moon and Jupiter looking through the smaller 5 inch scope. I like what I see, but a report after  more use and also using it in the bigger scope. I am pretty sure already it is going to be a keeper though :smiley:

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