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imaging jupiter

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jup 1.bmpjup 2.bmp

Hi all,

I seem to have hit a brick wall with this imaging 'lark' and need some advise if you can.

I go through all the motions setting up ,using sharpcap and keep all settings at default but play around with exposure and gain until it looks as good as i can get.Normally exposure around the -8 mark then upping the gain to late 50's seems to look best and filming at 10fps with about 2000ish frames.I know seeing and focus is the main key but i can spend all night (as i did last night) getting no better than 50% quality when stacking through registax..

I'm not disappointed  with the end results but is this about as good as i can get with this scope or am i missing something?

Many thanks.

ps,  hope these attachments work!

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Hi, I have exactly the same setup as you have and am also new at imaging.

My SharpCap settings were for 2000 frames :

[Philips SPC 900NC PC Camera]
Frame Divisor=1
Frame Rate (fps)=10,00
Colour Space / Compression=YUY2

Apart from focusing and certainly local atmospheric conditions the real work starts after capture.

Your Jupiter pictures are great, were you using the x3 barlow?


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Hi Rich ,cheers.Well spotted yes x3 barlow ,could of got more detail i suppose with the x2 but i was going for a larger image .

I would be very much interested if you had any pics with that scope or the 200.I nearly got the sw200 but it looked too big at the time. 

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Wish I could get an Image like this,  from what images I do get I find photoshop makes them much better.  I had a little play hope you dont mind.  Some people her could probably do much better though. post-34063-0-50347200-1394019684.jpg

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Cheers all.

course i don't mind Sean,do you want some more to do? :smiley:

As i said im not disappointed with them far from it,maybe im expecting too much or just wait until "the one" happens.

I also seem to be getting lots of floaters on screen but never shows on the final piece though,which is weird..

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Hi Rich ,cheers.Well spotted yes x3 barlow ,could of got more detail i suppose with the x2 but i was going for a larger image .

I would be very much interested if you had any pics with that scope or the 200.I nearly got the sw200 but it looked too big at the time. 

I only picked up the 200 on Saturday and it has been bucketing down ever since, thus I've only got captures with the same kit as you.

These are from the same avi, just procesed in slightly different ways, due to me wanting to try different combinations of PIPP, Castrate, Registax and trying different techniques.

You did better than I did, IMO.





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They are really good images, well done.

I myself use AS!2 for stacking - I've just reprocessed some images that had once been processed with RS6 and AS!2 results are better.

I also use WXastrocapture instead of SharpCap, but that's just my choice.

The one thing I do is make notes on EVERYTHING that I set up and do. this gives a good starting point to replicate and improve things.

I always check collimation and do a startest before hand. I use a Bhatinov focus mask to focus on a nearby star as well.

One main factor though is "seeing", this will play a major part in your images.

I too use a SPC900

and have gone from this


to this



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Oops wrong button....

We seem to have pretty similar images there which is good to know,thanks for posting Rich.

Thats quite a dramatic improvement Lee, good job! Thats interesting about as!2 I might have a go with that too.Never done a startest though.Shame its going to be cloudy all weekend here.

I've yet to capture Saturn which will be interesting . 

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