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Did anyone image Jupiter about 11pm on 3/3/14?


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I am asking as I did a quick sketch which seemed to show a large, slightly orange oval within the SEB, just ahead of the GRS. I was hoping to confirm what my eyes saw with an image.

I will try and upload my (slightly dodgy) sketch later on.



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Shane if you convert UT to the Central Meridian longitudes with this you can then look back a few days on alpo Japan and get a good idea of what you saw.

I always check this section of the forum aswell but without the CM's your kinda guessing what you saw.

Gerry also mentioned an orange oval in the SEB in the thread below, I thought it was the oval BA at first but from what he said it was something else.


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cheers Michael. I am sure it must be this sort of thing but it seemed slimmer but about the same size and the GRS. hopefully an image will surface soon. the clouds rolled in before I could get a comparison directly with this feature and the GRS fully in view.

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last night I was observing mostly DSOs but swung over to Jupiter and spotted something very like you describe. It didn't look exactly like the GRS but I thought it might have been the seeing. I checked skysafari and the GRS was just at the edge and not where I spotted almost exactly like you describe. White and within an equatorial belt, to be honest, I can't remember which belt and I don't take records. It was interesting but it was slowly moving behind an obstruction so I let it go

Must be what you saw


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I confirm that there is an oval in front of the GRS.  I was imaging Jupiter from 7:30 until 11:30 last night, taking 27 videos and 60GB of data, still trying to process them, but all the shots after 11pm show the oval and I will post later.

Of course Lee has beaten me to it.


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I am asking as I did a quick sketch which seemed to show a large, slightly orange oval within the SEB, just ahead of the GRS. I was hoping to confirm what my eyes saw with an image.

I will try and upload my (slightly dodgy) sketch later on.



I think this feature has been developing for a few days I spotted it on the 27th feb, along with Europa's shadow, It did not look orangey to me visualy at the time and I described it as a bright patch. My observation - http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/209402-grs-and-europa-shadow-transit-now-showing/  and some images from the night -  http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/209498-jupiter-27th-feb/

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Here's my (child-like) sketch. It does at least show the feature/position. In my defence it was done with a manual dob, tracked by hand and in the dark, holding a notebook, pencil, dim torch and whilst trying to keep the planet in view!


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Much better than my sketching Shaun.  Exactly the same view I got on the screen, easy to see how we could mistake it for the GRS. 

Laurie, I can also see it on my Europa's transit, but thought it was something to do with Europa's shadow and didn't realise it was a surface feature until reading your post.

Link to my post of 27th Feb    http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/209446-jupiter-27th-feb/


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Here's my (child-like) sketch. It does at least show the feature/position. In my defence it was done with a manual dob, tracked by hand and in the dark, holding a notebook, pencil, dim torch and whilst trying to keep the planet in view!


Very good. That is just what i saw


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