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Stacking Images

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I've only used DSS. The important thing too is making sure you have some Dark and Bias images.

I spend over half my life on a computer using all sorts of software etc. and DSS is still very new to me and I've processed a handful of images with reasonable success.

Patience and experimentation is the key.

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+1 for using Pixinsight and swearing by it but +1 for it being costly too.

Autostakkert http://www.autostakkert.com/ and Registax http://www.astronomie.be/registax/download.html are also free - both designed more for webcam capture really but will take DSLR frames - often is a good idea to try stacking your runs in all three programs and seeing which one comes out best.  I'm not a fan of DSS btw.

Maxim DL does a decent job at stacking, but for processing it is inferior ro pixinsight in every way for more cost

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Don't forget the mid-price option of Nebulosity, which does image capture, stacking and basic post-processing.  The stacking routines can handle translation, rotation and scalling so it's also a poor man's substitute for Registar.

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+1 for using Pixinsight and swearing by it but +1 for it being costly too.

Autostakkert http://www.autostakkert.com/ and Registax http://www.astronomie.be/registax/download.html are also free - both designed more for webcam capture really but will take DSLR frames - often is a good idea to try stacking your runs in all three programs and seeing which one comes out best.  I'm not a fan of DSS btw.

Maxim DL does a decent job at stacking, but for processing it is inferior ro pixinsight in every way for more cost

The only problem with Autostakkert and Registax is they can't handle large megapixel files. My 7D is 18MP (5184x3456px) and both those apps baulk. Autostakkert can handle 2000x2000px max, Registax even less. To be fair, I think they are more geared toward planetary video. A shame though as I'd like to process full frame Moon shots and DSS does my head in.

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Registax handles my 57.8Mb Solar TIFF's with ease ... ! ... never had a problem even when stacking 150 or so .

And the frame size is 3888 x 2592 from the 1000D , never seen a size limitation ... ?

Try putting them through PIPP first to crop to the disc.

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Registax handles my 57.8Mb Solar TIFF's with ease ... ! ... never had a problem even when stacking 150 or so .

And the frame size is 3888 x 2592 from the 1000D , never seen a size limitation ... ?

Try putting them through PIPP first to crop to the disc.

Hmm, perhaps I haven't got enough RAM, but 12GB should be enough! It just freezes and then throws an exception. Trouble is the disc entirely fills the frame with my setup. Perhaps I'll try converting to TIFF first.

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