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Orion Intelliscope XT 12"

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Optically, they are the same as the Skywatcher 12" flextubes. The Intelliscope feature is well thought of and is a "Push To" system where you provide the motive power and the handset guides you along the lines of "up a bit, left a bit ...." until your target shows in the finder or a low power eyepiece.

Here is a review on another site:


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Hi there - I've got the 10" version and love it. Original focuser was a bit rubbish so I replaced it with a Moonlight one from FLO. There is some good stuff on the net about ensuring that you get the best accuracy from the push-to system. I did some of the mods and it's now great.

Ask away if you have any other questions!

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hello Fran, I;m new here but I think I can help you abit on this subject. I have the 10 inch version of this scope. Its well made abit on the heavy side so I imagine the 12 inch would be quite a bit heaver indeed. The optics are very good on this scope so I image all is on par with the 12 inch. The intelliscope part on the OTA is easy to set up and works really well as long as everything is very level. Get yourself a small none marring plastic level and you will do fine..hope this helps.

                                                                                                                                                                                           Mike h 

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Perseus_m45 - the trick is making sure that the telescope is REALLY vertical, not just quite vertical when you set up - this needs a few adjustments to the dob base and the vertical stop - once this is done - and it only needs to be done once - it doesn't matter how level the base is when you're setting up.

It sounds counterintuitive - if you google it there is lots of info about it - but it really is true.

The intelliscope is a great system

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I would love one of these scopes and currently have the money sitting in my bank account ready to buy. Unfortunately the "expected shipping date" as stated on the Orion EU website has now been put back a couple of months to the 15th of May. When I last looked around there was one UK outlet which had stock but wanted over £200 more then everywhere else.

Out of desperation I have been looking at other similar scopes but my wife insists I buy the Orion as she thinks it's prettier then the alternatives :grin:   

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They do look nice, so it is worth it!

Same warp for me too, regularly below 0.5. Just choose two alignment stars, centre, and off you go.  The accuracy will put  a smile on your face! If you do find it drifts a bit after a while then a re centre can be done.

User objects can be put in with RA and DEC coordinates so it is possible to find asteroids and comets for example.

Getting my XT10 was the best thing I ever done to improve my experience with visual observing, suddenly the whole sky was there for me to explore. I could spend time actually looking at an object instead of trying to find it, especially if you live with typical town light pollution such as myself. 

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Here`s a quick run through of life with an intelliscope and what I observed tonight. Dropped the base on the lawn, attached the tube. I centred the scope on Castor and then Regulus and got a "warp factor"  of 0.0.  Probably the first time that has happened to me! Selected M35 with the 25mm eyepiece in place and it was slap bang centre. Then I chose the Eskimo Nebula from the sky tour option and it was there, just right a bit of centre. I went to planets, put in today`s date, selected Jupiter, and it was placed just off centre. I tried NGC 2261 ( Hubbles Variable Nebula) and even though I could not see it, at least I had good reason to believe I was pointed in the right direction.  I will try again for that one at a darker site. Decided to call it a night, and had it all packed away in about 5 minutes. 

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