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Image Scale - seeking advice


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JamesF......still awake here? Anyhow, the test in daylight is a success. I appear to be twice as close to the trees with  prime focal 2xBarlowed as against just  prime focal. Next big test will be the Moon when its high enough. Its too low for me to see for a while. Maybe Jupiter will get the treatment instead. Many thanks and to everyone else who chipped in. Cheers!

I'll keep you updated with the results of the next test.

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I still do not think that with a Barlow Charic will get the magnification he wants, judging by his "AFocal" - "eyepiece projection" (whatever you want to call them) samples in his gallery. I have a totally different setup but by coincidence probably gives about the same magnification. I have just purchased a M43/T2 adaptor to attach my camera to my heyperion eyepiece but have not had chance to try it yet, however, I did try hand holding camera and whilst not good quality do demonstrate the magnification using this method. I think this is what Charic wants to do. Correct me if I am wrong.


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I still do not think that with a Barlow Charic will get the magnification he wants, judging by his "AFocal" - "eyepiece projection" (whatever you want to call them) samples in his gallery. I have a totally different setup but by coincidence probably gives about the same magnification. I have just purchased a M43/T2 adaptor to attach my camera to my heyperion eyepiece but have not had chance to try it yet, however, I did try hand holding camera and whilst not good quality do demonstrate the magnification using this method. I think this is what Charic wants to do. Correct me if I am wrong.

I agree that it's possible the results may still not be what Charic wants.  The reliable way to do it is to work out the image scale required and work backwards to the focal length required and the barlow multiplier to achieve it.  Given that no purchasing is required to try the 2x barlow out though I think that's worth a go.  It will at least provide more information to work with and inform future decisions.


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Cheers guys (sorry, been asleep last 3 hours - awake over 24 hours?)

davefrance. I did a test earlier with the Barlow, and I clearly shortened the distance between myself and the target tree. My gallery image  just didn't seem a great deal since I effectively had a 1200mm lens on the Nikon? What i saw earlier, makes me a little happier, that I may be able to get a closer view of the moon, using the same previous method, but now with the inclusion of the Barlow. Weather permitting, I`ll try to capture Jupiter later. The Moon is too low in my horizon, and hill/tree screening is preventing a visual sighting.

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I agree that it's possible the results may still not be what Charic wants.  The reliable way to do it is to work out the image scale required and work backwards to the focal length required and the barlow multiplier to achieve it.  Given that no purchasing is required to try the 2x barlow out though I think that's worth a go.  It will at least provide more information to work with and inform future decisions.



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HI Charic

just a silly question but what resolution is you camera set to, i noticed that the ones you have in your gallery are 1600x1083 at 200 dpi with your nikon d5000 your resolution should be arond the 4400x3000 at 72-100 dpi .but if you increase the dpi to 2400 and the perecent of the picture to 150 percent then you will get a higher resolution so you can zoom into it psp or ps or any photo software and print larger.

eg; your pic enlarged.


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toxic.....Hi. that image was taken Taken  in January. from the original data, the image was recorded with the following attributes......

Dimensions 4288x2848
Width 4288
resolution unit 2
Exposure 1/100 sec.
The final image was uploaded from DSLR to PC and then to SGL. No other modifications (so- far). 
My gallery pics are just for fun, I'd probably only be interested in collecting images from the Moon. Unless my skills vastly improve or I update my equipment (unlikely for some time yet). So I'm not overly fussed just yet.
Daytime terrestrial work may be an option, although not very discreet?
As for tonight's test, I could see Jupiter, but not enough detail to get any detail, just a white face and 4 Moons, but the image was visibly larger, so when the Moon arrives again, I'm certain I'll be able to get some crater shots at prime focal + Barlow!
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hi Charic

i was not being critical of your gear or your talent just showing that you can increase your resolution even after you have taken your photo hence the example.

i have the same problem with jupiter and my eos i cannot lower the iso in video, so i have to use a webcam.

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